TP-Link "2-series" switches, all TP-Link VxWorks-based product Multiple vulnerabilities

Credit: kvnjs
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Vendor affected: TP-Link ( Products affected: * All TP-Link VxWorks-based devices (confirmed by vendor) * All "2-series" switches (confirmed by vendor) * TL-SG2008 semi-managed switch (confirmed by vendor) * TL-SG2216 semi-managed switch (confirmed by vendor) * TL-SG2424 semi-managed switch (confirmed by vendor) * TL-SG2424P semi-managed switch (confirmed by vendor) * TL-SG2452 semi-managed switch (confirmed by vendor) Vulnerabilities: * All previously-reported VxWorks vulnerabilities from 6.6.0 on; at the very least: * CVE-2013-0716 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2013-0715 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2013-0714 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2013-0713 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2013-0712 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2013-0711 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2010-2967 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2010-2966 (confirmed by vendor) * CVE-2008-2476 (confirmed by vendor) * SSLv2 is available and cannot be disabled unless HTTPS is completely disabled (allows downgrade attacks) (confirmed by vendor) * SSL (v2, v3) offers insecure cipher suites and HMACs which cannot be disabled (allows downgrade attacks) (confirmed by vendor) Design flaws: * Telnet is available and cannot be disabled (confirmed by vendor) * SSHv1 enabled by default if SSH is enabled (confirmed by vendor) Vendor response: TP-Link are not convinced that these flaws should be repaired. TP-Link's Internet presence -- or at least DNS -- is available only intermittently. Most emails bounced. Lost contact with vendor, but did confirm that development lead is now on holiday and will not return for at least a week. Initial vendor reaction was to recommend purchase of "3-series" switches. Vendor did not offer reasons why "3-series" switches would be more secure, apart from lack of telnet service. Vendor confirmed that no development time can be allocated to securing "2-series" product and all focus has shifted to newer products. (TL-SG2008 first product availability July 2014...) Vendor deeply confused about security of DES/3DES, MD5, claimed that all security is relative. ("...[E]ven SHA-1 can be cracked, they just have different security level.") Fix availability: None. Work-arounds advised: None possible. Remove products from network.


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