PluggedOut Blog SQL INJECTION and XSS PluggedOut Blog is an open source script you can run on your web server to give you an online multi-user journal or diary. It can be used equally well for any kind of calendar application.Rather than give you a thousand things you don't really want ... PluggedOut Blog : Credit: The information has been provided by Hamid Ebadi (Hamid Network Security Team):admin (at) hamid (dot) ir [email concealed] The original article can be found at: Vulnerable Systems: PluggedOut Blog Version : Version: 1.9.9c (2006-01-13) example : The following URL can be used to trigger an SQL injection vulnerability in the exec.php : http://[PluggedOut Blog]/exec.php?action=comment_add&entryid=[SQL INJECTION] and XSS http://[PluggedOut Blog]/problem.php?id=1&data=<script>alert('Hamid Network Security Team -->');alert(document.cookie)</script> Signature __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around