Hackers Center Security Group (http://www.hackerscenter.com/) Doz's Security Advisory Desc: ShopSite Shopping Cart Multiple XSS Risk: Medium ShopSite? is the easiest-to-use shopping cart software for small to medium-sized businesses. ShopSite ecommerce shopping cart is one of the most user-friendly online shopping carts on the market. Vendor: www.shopsite.com Shopsite is vulnerable to multiple XSS attacks that can lead to cookie/credential stealing. Proof of concept: /shopper/sc/registration.cgi?func=2&storeid=*0af207a4630562&fromid=order .cgi&sbid=SSMSB1165684210.18070&prevlocation=http://eval.shopsite.com/sh opper/als/catalog.html%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.cookie)%3C/script %3E Being a shopping cart just a cross site scripting attack can be really dangerous to end users. Until here, this could be just another cross site scripting advisory. When I contacted David Hills from Shopsite.com reporting the vulnerability with a snapshot this is what we received from him: "Your screen shots show the HTML output by our shopping cart. I do not see any security hole." It seems that people wakes up the morning and write shopping carts without knowing or caring about web application security. So I felt compelled to warn all the users of ShopSite. - HSC Security Group http://www.hackerscenter.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.