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Symantec Vulnerability Research
                         Security Advisory

Advisory ID: SYMSA-2007-007
Advisory Title: Palm OS Treo Smartphone Denial of Service
       Authors: J.R. Wikes
  Release Date: 20-08-2007
   Application: N/A
     Platforms: Palm Treo 650, 680, 700p & 755p Smartphones 
      Severity: Remotely exploitable / Denial of Service
 Vendor status: Verified by vendor
    CVE Number: CVE-2007-4213 [Requested]
     Reference: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/25074


Treo Smartphones running the Palm OS are vulnerable to a
remote Denial of Service attack while connected to data
networks allowing inbound ICMP traffic. It is possible for
an attacker to launch this attack from the Internet by sending
specially crafted ICMP requests at the targeted phone's
assigned IP address.


Sending continuous ICMP echo requests with a packet size of
1470 bytes to the Smartphone's assigned IP address will invoke
one (or more) of the following conditions on the device:
latency, lockup, forced soft reset, or disconnection from
the data network. It is also possible to achieve the same
effects with a lower packet size by increasing the interval
at which the echo requests are sent to the device

Vendor Response:

The Symantec issue outlined is an architectural limitation
and we will continue monitoring it closely. However, we have
not seen any cases where Palm products have been affected.


In the interim of a fix being released by the Vendor to
address this vulnerability, service providers should implement
network filtering controls to restrict inbound ICMP requests
to these devices.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Information:

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has
assigned the following names to these issues.  These are
candidates for inclusion in the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org),
which standardizes names for security problems.


- - - --------Symantec Vulnerability Research Advisory Information-------

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- - - --------------Symantec Product Advisory Information-------------

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