########################## www.BugReport.ir #########################
#      AmnPardaz Security Research Team
# Title: phpList Local File inclusion
# Vendor: http://www.phplist.com
# Bug: Local File Inclusion
# Vulnerable Version: 2.10.8 (prior versions also may be affected)
# Exploitation: Remote with browser
# Fix: N/A
# Original Advisory: http://www.bugreport.ir/index_60.htm

- Description:

Quote From vendor:"phplist is an open-source newsletter manager.  
phplist is free to download, install and use, and is easy to integrate  
with any website.
phplist is downloaded more than 10 000 times per month and is listed  
in the top open source projects for vitality score on Freshmeat.
phplist is sponsored by tincan."

- Vulnerability:

+--> Local File Inclusion

Because of the vulnerability in "admin/index.php", When  
"register_globals" is disabled (Default PHP Configuration) It is  
possible for remote attackers to
include arbitrary files from local resources before performing authentication.

Code Snippet:
/lists/admin.php #line:10-18

if (!ini_get("register_globals") || ini_get("register_globals") == "off") {
   # fix register globals, for now, should be phased out gradually
   # sure, this gets around the entire reason that  
regLANGUAGE_SWITCHister globals
   # should be off, but going through three years of code takes a long time....

   foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) {
     $$key = $val;

/lists/admin.php #line:41-56

if (isset($_SERVER["ConfigFile"]) && is_file($_SERVER["ConfigFile"])) {
   print '<!-- using '.$_SERVER["ConfigFile"].'-->'."\n";
   include $_SERVER["ConfigFile"];
} elseif (isset($cline["c"]) && is_file($cline["c"])) {
   print '<!-- using '.$cline["c"].' -->'."\n";
   include $cline["c"];
} elseif (isset($_ENV["CONFIG"]) && is_file($_ENV["CONFIG"])) {
#  print '<!-- using '.$_ENV["CONFIG"].'-->'."\n";
   include $_ENV["CONFIG"];
} elseif (is_file("../config/config.php")) {
   print '<!-- using ../config/config.php -->'."\n";
   include "../config/config.php";
} else {
   print "Error, cannot find config file\n";

- POC:


- Credit:
AmnPardaz Security Research Team
Contact: admin[4t}bugreport{d0t]ir