|													|
|	Name		:	LoveCMS 1.6.2 Final Arbitrary File Delete Vulnerability			|
|	Author		:	cOndmened								|
|	Greetz		:	ZaBeaTy, rtgn, doctor, elmasterlow, str0ke, t0pP8uZz & all friends	|
|	Details		:	Ofc, we can only delete files from places that we have permission	|
|				to access x]								|
|													|

source of/lovecms/system/admin/images.php

	41.	if($_GET['delete'])

	42.	{

	43.		$filename = $_GET['delete'];

	44.		$sql = $db -> db_query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "images 

	45.		WHERE filename = '$filename'");


	47.		unlink(LOVE_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $filename);

	48.		unlink(LOVE_ROOT . '/uploads/thumbs/' . $filename);


	50.		redirect_with_message('msg', 'LANG_088');

	51.	}

Description :

	41.	name of file to delete is being sended using GET method in variable called 'delete'
	47.	here the requested file is being erased
		rest of the code block doesn't matters

Proof of concept :
