
  [o] Pre E-Learning Portal SQL Injection Vulnerability

       Software : Pre E-Learning Portal
       Vendor   : http://www.preproject.com/
       Demo	: http://www.preprojects.com/elearning/
       Author   : NoGe
       Contact  : noge[dot]code[at]gmail[dot]com
       Blog     : http://evilc0de.blogspot.com


  [o] Vulnerable file

       search_result.asp [ course_ID ]

  [o] Exploit


  [o] Proof of concept


       u cant see the result?? press ctrl+u and scroll down.. :p


  [o] Greetz

       OoN_BoY Paman zxvf Angela Zhang aJe noname
       H312Y yooogy mousekill }^-^{ martfella s4va
       skulmatic OLiBekaS ulga Cungkee k1tk4t str0ke

       Big Thanks to Vrs-hCk
