Name :  Joomla Jobs Pro BSqli Vulnerability
Date : july 6,2010
Critical Level  : HIGH
vendor URL :http://www.instantphp.com/
Author : Sid3^effects aKa HaRi
special thanks to : r0073r (inj3ct0r.com),L0rd CruSad3r,MaYur,MA1201,KeDar,Sonic,gunslinger_
greetz to :www.topsecure.net ,All ICW members and my friends :) luv y0 guyz
Description :
Key Features
It contains full functions to operate a Job site featuring tools to manage jobs, resumes, applications and subscriptions. If you are looking for a big Job site like Monster, CareerBuilder; a niche job listing like TechCrunch or just a job ads on your company site, Jobs! is an ideal match.
Xploit :SQli Vulnerability
DEMO URL :http://www.site.com/demo/jobs/search_jobs.html?search_word=ed&detailed_results=[sqli]
# 0day no more
# Sid3^effects