Versions Affected: 3.8.6 (Only!) Info: Content publishing, search, security, and more�vBulletin has it all. Whether it�s available features, support, or ease-of-use, vBulletin offers the most for your money. Learn more about what makes vBulletin the choice for people who are serious about creating thriving online communities. External Links: -:: The Advisory ::- vBulletin is prone to information disclosure of the entire database credentials used in config.php via the faq.php file. By searching for "database" on a vulnerable installation of vBulletin an attacker is shown the information mentioned above. -:: Solution ::- A patch is available from Alternatively, search for "database_ingo" in the Phrase Manager within the Admin Control Panel, and delete or edit all critical details. Disclosure Information: - vBulletin Security Notice & Patch: 22nd July 2010 - Vulnerability Researched and Disclosed: 22nd July Note: After searching the Internet a bit I discovered that I wasn't the only one which knew about this bug. Please note that I give full credit to the rightful finder / owner of this exploit. References: All of the best, MaXe