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# Exploit Title:Medcom LTD cms sql Injction Vulnerability
# Google Dork: Intext:" Powered by Medcom LTD"
# Date: 08/29/2012
# Author: Crim3R
# Site : Http://Ajaxtm.com/
# Vendor Home : http://medcom.com.hk
# Tested on: all
[+] Species & CommonName parametrs in search.asp are Vulnerable to xss

[+] target/quiz.asp?id=[id][sqli]




[+] Greetz to All Ajaxtm Security Member

Cair3x - HUrr!c4nE - E2MA3N - S3Ri0uS - iM4n - Sc0rpion - Daniyal
devilzc0der - Dominator - Hossein.R1369