# Exploit Title  : ClipSharePro <= 4.1 Local File Inclusion
# Date           : 2013/3/9
# Exploit Author : Saadat Ullah &#65292; saadi_linux[at]rocketmail[dot]com
# Software Link  : http://www.clip-share.com
# Author HomePage: http://security-geeks.blogspot.com
# Tested on: Server : Apache/2.2.15 PHP/5.3.3
#Local File Inclusion
ClipsharePro is a paid youtube clone script , suffers from Localfile Inclusion vulnerability through
which attacker can include arbitrary file in webapp.
LFI in ubr_link_upload.php
Poc code
    if(isset($_GET['config_file']) && strlen($_GET['config_file']) > 0){ $config_file = $_GET['config_file']; }
    else{ showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to find config_file parameter", 1); }
else{ $config_file = $DEFAULT_CONFIG; }
// Load config file
require $config_file;  //including arbitrary file $_GET['config_file']
echo $config_file;
The vulnerability can be exploited as..
For sucessfully exploitation of this vulnerability you need $MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED to be 1 in the config file..
In ubr_ini.php
$MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED       = 1; --->This value should have to be 1
#Independent Pakistani Security Researcher