
  [o] CMSimple - Open Source CMS with no database <= Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

       Software : CMSimple - Open Source CMS with no database
       Version  : 4.4, 4.4.2 and below
       Vendor   : http://www.cmsimple.org
       Author   : NoGe
       Contact  : noge[dot]code[at]gmail[dot]com
       Blog     : http://evilc0de.blogspot.com
       Desc     : CMSimple is a php based Content Managemant System (CMS), which requires no database. 
                  All data are stored in a simple file system.


  [o] Vulnerable File


        require_once $pth['folder']['plugin'] . 'classes/filebrowser_view.php';
        require_once $pth['folder']['plugin'] . 'classes/filebrowser.php';


  [o] Exploit



  [o] PoC



  [o] Greetz

       Vrs-hCk OoN_BoY Paman zxvf s4va Angela Zhang stardustmemory
       aJe kaka11 matthews wishnusakti inc0mp13te martfella
       pizzyroot Genex H312Y noname tukulesto }^-^{


  [o] April 17 2014 - Papua, Indonesia - Met Paskah! Tuhan berkati.. :)