ERPSCAN Research Advisory [ERPSCAN-15-009] SAP Afaria 7 XcListener - 
Missing authorization check

Application:            SAP Afaria 7
Versions Affected:        SAP Afaria 7, probably others
Vendor URL:  
Bugs:                Missing authorization check
Sent:                09.12.2014
Reported:            09.12.2014
Vendor response:                10.12.2014
Date of Public Advisory:        18.06.2015
Reference:            SAP Security Note 2134905
Author:                Vahagn Vardanyan (ERPScan)


Title: SAP Afaria 7 XcListener - Missing authorization check
Advisory ID: [ERPSCAN-15-009]
Risk: High
Advisory URL:
Date published: 15.03.2015
Vendors contacted: SAP

Class: DoS [CWE-862]
Impact: DoS
Remotely Exploitable: Yes
Locally Exploitable: No
CVE Name: CVE-2015-2816

An attacker can use a missing authorization check to access the service 
without any authorization procedures and use service functionality that 
has restricted access. This can lead to information disclosure, 
privilege escalation, and other attacks.

SAP Afaria 7
Other versions are probably affected too, but they were not checked.

A vulnerability has been discovered in certain landscape configurations 
of SAP Afaria that utilize XcListener for initiating client-to-server 
communications.  SAP has released security patches for the vulnerable 
clients, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, and Windows. Windows Phone is not 
affected. SAP strongly recommends that customers patch their servers.
To be vulnerable, XcListener must be an active process. The Windows 
client enrollment policy allows administrators to enable/disable 
XcListener with the advanced option ?Outbound listener and firewall?. 
XCListener listens to the port 3005. If the port 3005 is not exposed 
externally, then the vulnerability is only accessible locally on the 

Patching instructions:
1)          Download hotfix
     - SAP Afaria 7 SP5 Hotfix 8
     - SAP Afaria 7 SP4 Hotfix 16
2)          Apply server hotfix
The server version of XcListener will be patched when the hotfix is 
applied. The clients will be updated through the Afaria ESD process as 
they connect to the server.

Vahagn Vardanyan (ERPScan)

An anonymous attacker can use a special request to crash the Sybase SQL 
Anywhere process on the server.

Sent:                09.12.2014
Reported:                       09.12.2014
Vendor response:                10.12.2014
Date of Public Advisory:        18.06.2015


10. ABOUT ERPScan Research
The company?s expertise is based on the research subdivision of ERPScan, 
which is engaged in vulnerability research and analysis of critical 
enterprise applications. It has achieved multiple acknowledgments from 
the largest software vendors like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, VMware, 
HP for discovering more than 400 vulnerabilities in their solutions (200 
of them just in SAP!).
ERPScan researchers are proud to have exposed new types of 
vulnerabilities (TOP 10 Web Hacking Techniques 2012) and to be nominated 
for the best server-side vulnerability at BlackHat 2013.
ERPScan experts have been invited to speak, present, and train at 60+ 
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continents. These include BlackHat, RSA, HITB, and private SAP trainings 
in several Fortune 2000 companies.
ERPScan researchers lead the project EAS-SEC, which is focused on 
enterprise application security research and awareness. They have 
published 3 exhaustive annual award-winning surveys about SAP security.
ERPScan experts have been interviewed by leading media resources and 
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Heise, and Chinabyte, to name a few.
We have highly qualified experts in staff with experience in many 
different fields of security, from web applications and mobile/embedded 
to reverse engineering and ICS/SCADA systems, accumulating their 
experience to conduct the best SAP security research.

ERPScan is one of the most respected and credible Business Application 
Security providers. Founded in 2010, the company operates globally. 
Named an Emerging vendor in Security by CRN and distinguished by more 
than 25 other awards, ERPScan is the leading SAP SE partner in 
discovering and resolving security vulnerabilities. ERPScan consultants 
work with SAP SE in Walldorf to improve the security of their latest 
ERPScan?s primary mission is to close the gap between technical and 
business security. We provide solutions to secure ERP systems and 
business-critical applications from both cyber attacks and internal 
fraud. Our clients are usually large enterprises, Fortune 2000 
companies, and managed service providers whose requirements are to 
actively monitor and manage the security of vast SAP landscapes on a 
global scale.
Our flagship product is ERPScan Security Monitoring Suite for SAP. This 
multi award-winning innovative software is the only solution on the 
market certified by SAP SE covering all tiers of SAP security: 
vulnerability assessment, source code review, and Segregation of Duties. 
The largest companies from diverse industries like oil and gas, banking, 
retail, even nuclear power installations as well as consulting companies 
have successfully deployed the software. ERPScan Security Monitoring 
Suite for SAP is specifically designed for enterprises to continuously 
monitor changes in multiple SAP systems. It generates and analyzes 
trends in user friendly dashboards, manages risks, tasks, and can export 
results to external systems. These features enable central management of 
SAP system security with minimal time and effort.
We follow the sun and function in two hubs located in the Netherlands 
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Phone: 650.798.5255
Twitter: @erpscan
Scoop-it: Business Application Security



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