Advisory ID: SYSS-2016-017
Product: innovaphone IP222
Manufacturer: innovaphone AG
Affected Version(s): 11r2 sr9
Tested Version(s): 11r2 sr9
Vulnerability Type: Improper Input Validation (CWE-20)
Risk Level: High
Solution Status: Fixed
Manufacturer Notification: 2016-03-04
Solution Date: Unknown
Public Disclosure: 2016-03-24
CVE Reference: Not yet assigned
Author of Advisory: Sven Freund (SySS GmbH)



The innovaphone IP222 is a Voice over IP telephone solution, which
provides many communication functionalities, for instance, announcement
function, password protected administration via web browser (HTTPS),
multiple registration up to six users at the same time and many other

The manufacturer innovaphone AG describes the product as follows
(see [1]):

"The IP222 telephone unites a very modern design with groundbreaking
technological details. It belongs to the innovaphone product family that
won the popular 'red dot award: product design'."


Vulnerability Details:

At startup the innovaphone IP222 sends an HTTP request for a special
PNG file to the involved server system. After the download has finished,
the image is displayed on the phone by selecting the receiver screen in
the menu. Providing a large image file (6.9 MB) within the download
process and selecting the receiver screen on the phone will lead to a
crash of the application and cause a denial of service condition. Remote
code execution via this security vulnerability may also be possible, but
was not confirmed by the SySS GmbH.


Proof of Concept (PoC):

The innovaphone IP222 sends the following HTTP request to the server
system during startup.

GET /mypbx_logo.png HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: innovaphone-IP222/113392

If the server system answers this request with a large PNG file,
the innovaphone IP222 will crash and restart when selecting the receiver
screen in the menu. Remote code execution via this security
vulnerability may also be possible, but was not confirmed by the
SySS GmbH.



According to information by the innovaphone AG, the described security
issue has been fixed in software version v12r1 / v11r2sr12.

Please contact the manufacturer for further information or support.


Disclosure Timeline:

2016-03-04: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer
2016-03-09: Manufacturer acknowledges e-mail with SySS security advisory
            and described the security issue as fixed
2016-03-24: Public release of security advisory



[1] Product Web Site for innovaphone IP222
[2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2016-017
[3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy



This security vulnerability was found by Sven Freund of the SySS GmbH.

E-Mail: sven.freund (at)
Public Key:
Key fingerprint = DCDB 7627 C1E3 9CE8 62DF 2666 8A5F A853 415D 46DC



The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is" 
and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may
be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The
latest version of  this security advisory is available on the SySS Web



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