
Novell Service Desk (now rebranded as Micro Focus Service Desk) 7.1.0
and below has a number of critical vulnerabilities that allow remote
code execution, information disclosure, etc, by authenticated users.
Check the full advisory below for details. Novell / Micro Focus have
documented these vulnerabilities on their website at [1], [2], [3] and
[4] (see the References part at the bottom of the advisory).

The full advisory can be obtained from my repo at [A]. A Metasploit
module that achieves RCE with the directory traversal and file upload
has been submitted at [B].


[B]: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/6769

>> Multiple vulnerabilities in Novell Service Desk 7.1.0, 7.0.3 and 6.5
>> Discovered by Pedro Ribeiro (pedrib@gmail.com), Agile Information
Disclosure: 30/03/2016 / Last updated: 10/04/2016

>> Background on the affected products:
"Novell Service Desk 7.1.0 is a complete service management solution
that allows you to easily monitor and solve services issues so that
there is minimal disruption to your organization, which allows users to
focus on the core business. Novell Service Desk provides an online
support system to meet the service requirements of all your customers,
administrators, supervisors, and technicians"

>> Summary:
Novell Service Desk has several vulnerabilities including a file upload
function that can be exploited to achieve authenticated remote code
execution. The product appears to be a rebranded version of Absolute
Service (another help desk system). The latter has not been tested but
it is likely to contain the same vulnerabilities as Novell Service Desk.
The Google dork for this application is inurl:"LiveTime/WebObjects".
Version 7.2 and above now appear to be branded as "Micro Focus Service
Advisories for these vulnerabilities can be found in the Micro Focus
site at [1], [2], [3] and [4].

>> Technical details:
Vulnerability: Arbitrary file upload via directory traversal (leading to
remote code execution)
Constraints: Administrator account needed
Affected versions:
- NSD 7.1.0
- NSD 7.0.3
- NSD 6.5
- Possibly earlier versions

The User -> Customers -> Import function allows an administrator to
upload files. The path specified in the filename parameter can be
traversed using ../ characters and upload a JSP file to the Tomcat

The default path to be traversed is /LiveTime/Uploads/ on the Novell
Service Desk Virtual Appliance Demo.

POST /LiveTime/WebObjects/LiveTime.woa/wo/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Length: 533

Content-Disposition: form-data;
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

  <TITLE>Hello World</TITLE>
  <H1>Hello World</H1>
  Today is: <%= new java.util.Date().toString() %>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ButtonUpload"


Vulnerability: Information disclosure (Download System logs as any
authenticated user - even unprivileged customers)
Constraints: User / client account needed
Affected versions:
- NSD 7.0.3
- NSD 6.5
- Possibly earlier versions

GET /LiveTime/WebObjects/LiveTime.woa/wa/DownloadAction/downloadLogFiles
Contains the full error log, license and system information (operating
system, java version, database, etc).

Vulnerability: Information disclosure (Download any attachment from any
client as an authenticated user - even unprivileged customers)
Constraints: User / client account needed
Affected versions:
- NSD 7.1.0
- NSD 7.0.3
- NSD 6.5
- Possibly earlier versions


Possible entityNames are:

Cycling through all attachmentId numbers will yield all attachments for
each entityName.

Vulnerability: Hibernate Query Language (HQL) injection
Constraints: User / client account needed
Affected versions:
- NSD 7.1.0
- NSD 7.0.3
- NSD 6.5
- Possibly earlier versions

injection here>

Input is passed directly to Hibernate (line 125 of DownloadAction.class):
        List<?> attachments =
StringBuilder().append("from ").append(hasEn).append(" as attach where
attach.attachmentId = ").append(hasId.intValue()).toString()).list();

hasEn is entityName (string) and hasId is attachmentId (integer)

Vulnerability: Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Constraints: User / client account needed
Affected versions:
- NSD 7.1.0
- NSD 7.0.3
- NSD 6.5
- Possibly earlier versions

Several sections of the web application are vulnerable to stored cross
site scripting. This includes the administrator portal (when logged in
as an administrator, technician, manager or other administrative user),
the end user portal (when logged in as a normal end user) and the
forums. The vulnerabilities below are just examples as the vulnerability
is present in many different pages.

In the customer portal, clicking the user name will allow you to edit
your display name.
The fields tf_aClientFirstName and tf_aClientLastName are also
vulnerable to stored XSS. Other fields might be vulnerable but have not
been tested.

This can be used to attack an administrator or any other management
user, as the name will be changed globally. If an administrator sees the
list of users an alert box will pop up.

In the Forums the content section is vulnerable when creating a new topic.
The affected parameter is ta_selectedTopicContent.

The alert box will pop up when you view the topic.

In User -> Organizational Units, the name parameter is vulnerable
(tf_orgUnitName) when you are creating a new Organizational Unit.
POST /LiveTime/WebObjects/LiveTime.woa/wo/ HTTP/1.1

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="tf_orgUnitName"


The alert box will pop up when you view the Organizational Units page
and possibly in other pages.

In Configuration -> Vendors, the manufacturer name, address and city
parameters are vulnerable when you are creating a new Vendor.

Three alert boxes will pop up when you view the Vendor page and possibly
in other pages.

>> Fix:
#1, #3, #4 and 5# - Upgrade to version 7.2.0
#2 - Upgrade to version 7.1.0

>> References:
[1] https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7017428
[2] https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7017429
[3] https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7017431
[4] https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7017430

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