
NetCommWireless HSPA 3G10WVE Wireless Router  Multiple vulnerabilities


Name: Bhadresh Patel
Company/affiliation: HelpAG
Website: www.helpag.com


CVE-2015-6023, CVE-2016-6024


03-05-2016 (dd/mm/yyyy)


NetComm Wireless is a leading developer and supplier of high performance communication devices that connect businesses and people to the internet.

Products and services:
Wireless 3G/4G broadband devices
Custom engineered technologies
Broadband communication devices

Telecommunications carriers
Internet Service Providers
System Integrators
Channel partners
Enterprise customers


HSPA 3G10WVE is a wireless router

It integrates a wireless LAN, HSPA module and voice gateway into one stylish unit. Insert an active HSPA SIM Card into the slot on the rear panel & get instant access to 3G internet connection. Etisalat HSPA 3G10WVE wireless router incorporates a WLAN 802.11b/g access point, two Ethernet 10/100Mbps ports for voice & fax. Featuring voice port which means that one can stay connected using the internet & phone. If one need a flexible internet connection for his business or at home; this is the perfect solution.

Customer Product link: http://www.etisalat.ae/nrd/en/generic/3.5g_router.jsp


Multiple vulnerabilities in the HSPA 3G10WVE wireless router enable an anonymous unauthorized attacker to 1) bypass authentication and gain unauthorized access of router's network troubleshooting page (ping.cgi) and 2) exploit a command injection vulnerability on ping.cgi, which could result in a complete system/network compromise.

03-09-2015: Vendor notification
08-09-2015: Vendor Response/Feedback
02-05-2016: Vendor Fix/Patch
03-05-2016: Public Disclosure

Affected Software Version:




Severity Rating (CVSS):

10.0 (Critical) (AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H)


Below listed vulnerabilities enable an anonymous unauthorized attacker to gain access of network troubleshooting page (ping.cgi) on wireless router and inject commands to compromise full system/network.

1) Bypass authentication and gain unauthorized access vulnerability - CVE-2015-6023
2) Command injection vulnerability - CVE-2016-6024

Vulnerable module/page/application: ping.cgi

Vulnerable parameter: DIA_IPADDRESS

Proof Of Concept:

PoC URL: http(s)://<victim_IP>/ping.cgi?DIA_IPADDRESS=;cat%20/etc/passwd

PoC Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS43MRG7RDk

Patched/Fixed Firmware and notes:


NOTE: Verified only by Vendor


Bhadresh Patel
Senior Security Analyst
HelpAG (www.helpag.com)