PHP Planner SQL Injection Vulnerability , Discovered by N_A , 


This is a basic PHP Calendar with lots of features and possiblities. Uses 
mySQL as backend and is fitted with an account based system


An SQL Injection vulnerability is present within the register.php file of the 
package which results in arbitary command execution.

register.php, snippet of vulnerable code:

if (isset($_POST['Submit'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['username'], 
$_POST['password'], $_POST['password2'], $_POST['name']) && 
IsEmailValid($_POST['email'])) {
A A A  A A A  $SQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cal_users WHERE username = '". 
$_POST['username'] ."' OR password = '". MD5($_POST['password']) ."' OR email 
= '". $_POST['email'] ."'");

As we can see the 'username','password' and 'email' variables are passed 
unchecked into the SQL query via the POST method.

email ==> N_A[at]