# Exploit Title     : Boonex Dolphin all versoin <= 7.3 Authentication Bypass
# Exploit Author    : Saadat Ullah i1/4 saadi_linux[@]rocketmail.com
# Software Link     : https://www.boonex.com
# Author HomePage   : http://security-geeks.blogspot.com

Proof of Concept

File: admin.inc.php
Line: 187
Code: (strcmp($aProfile['Password'], $passwd) != 0)
$passwd is equal to Cookie parameter memberpassword
According to PHP documentation strcmp will compare strings, but what if we provide an array???
So, simple bypass is to put two cookies in browser
memberpassword[]=blah --->array
This will allow the attacker to bypass the authentication and can also enter in admin panel.

Already communicated to dolphin developers.
#Independent Pakistani Security Researcher