# Exploit Title : ABC INTERACTIVE CMS Bypass & SQL Injection
# Google Dork : intext:"Web Design & code: ABC INTERACTIVE"
# Discovered By : MrHoudini
# Contact Me : Mr.Houdini77@Gmail.com
# My WebSite: www.MrHoudini.ir
# Date : 9-5-2017
# Vendor Homepage : https://www.abcinteractive.it

[!] Description.:

SQL injection attacks usually targets database and all of them are the results of programming errors.
If programmer couldn't checked the inputs correctly, so the attacker can send his/her commands to database.
If programmer do this errors at admin page input and the inputs haven't been checked correctly,
occur a very bad thing that allow attacker login to administrator panel
with combination the passwords that turn the result to True in php.

Request Method :
[+] POST

Vulnerable Module:
[+] Login

Vulnerable Parameter:
[+](username) and (Password)

[!] Bug.........:
$result=mysql_query("select * from login where user='$user' and pswd='$pswd'");
echo "bad user";

[!] PoC.........: 

To bypass the admin login: '= 'or'

[!] Live Demo. For Admin Page :


Url Target Admin Panel : http://site.com/controlPanel/html/

[!] Live Demo. For SQL Injection :


[!] Solution...: 

PHP functions can be averted with the bug
Check input variable:

And other ctype & gettype family functions 
*String entries with the database functions 
--mysql_real_escape_string or sqlite_escape_string or ....
-If functions are not available in the database
--str_replace , addslashes