# Exploit Title: ImgHosting Image Storage System 1.5 - Cross-Site-Scripting
# Date: 12-01-2018
# Exploit Author: Dennis Veninga
# Contact Author: d.veninga [at] networking4all.com
# Vendor Homepage: foxsash.com
# Version: 1.5
# CVE-ID: CVE-2018-5479
ImgHosting a Image Storage System quick and easy image hosting without
registration. Service is ideal for fast and reliable placement of images
for forums, blogs and websites. Simple design, comfortable customers,
direct links to pictures. This hosting service that we do every day use.
Like thousands of other people. We do service to the people.
ImgHosting 1.5 (According footer information) is vulnerable to XSS attacks.
The affected function is its search engine. Since there is an user/admin
login interface, it's possible for attackers to steal sessions of users and
thus admin(s). By sending users an infected URL, code will be executed.
Evil javascript code can be inserted and will be executed when visiting the link