## Title: WonderCMS Default Credentials
## Author: Informacion - Anonymous
## Vendor: https://www.wondercms.com/
## Test: W10
## Date: 05/02/2018
## Dork: "Powered by WonderCMS"
## Description: Password is default and installation config.
## Menssage: "Congratulations! Your website is now powered by WonderCMS.

Login to the admin panel with the 'Login' link in the footer. The password is admin.
Change the password as soon as possible.

Click on the content to edit and click outside to save it.

WonderCMS weights only around 15kB. (8kB zipped)

+ ckeditor"

## Paneladmin: 
- loginURL
- ?Login

## Dem0: 
- http://tipografico.cl/cmstest/wondercmsv2/?login :admin
- http://masel.vipserv.org/wondercms/?login :admin
- http://atomicshed.co.uk/?login :admin
- http://thirdechelon.alamantus.com/administrador41 lasted: admin changed: 258lkx978qe 
- http://sylviakoehler.com/QUQ1UzY0QTY1RDRBNg== lasted: admin changed: kxDK5a8DKOAD+
- http://resistenciapacifica.org/w/?login :admin
- http://www.honzamurdych.wz.cz//?login :admin
- http://www.honzamurdych.wz.cz/?login

### ## My gift ### ##
## Sh3lLs Is oF: v0trS
## Sit3s sheLLs bY: Informacion - Anonymous

--------+ Sh3lLs: +
-- thirdechelonsa.ga/themes/default/hvbrf.php
-- apps.alamantus.com/Public-Pinboard/hvbrf.php
-- http://content.alamantus.com/games/hvbrf.php
-- http://demo.alamantus.com/fermi/hvbrf.php
-- http://dev.alamantus.com/blog/hvbrf.php
-- http://dev.kelsiemcwilliams.com/files/sub/hvbrf.php
-- http://fun.alamantus.com/images/hvbrf.php
-- http://jams.alamantus.com/cgi-bin/hvbrf.php
-- http://kelsie.alamantus.com/images/hvbrf.php
-- http://kelsiemcwilliams.com/files/hvbrf.php
-- http://lexicon.ga/php/google/hvbrf.php
-- http://pawsmenu.net/nebula1/hvbrf.php
-- http://test.alamantus.com/hvbrf.php
-- http://test.lexicon.ga/cgi-bin/hvbrf.php
-- http://thirdechelonsa.ga/themes/hvbrf.php
######### Username: votr
############### Password: votrshell