[+] Title: AjentiCP Dir Name Based Stored XSS <= v1.2.23.13
[+] Author: Numan OZDEMIR (https://infinitumit.com.tr)
[+] Vendor Homepage: ajenti.org
[+] Version: Up to v1.2.23.13
[+] CVE: CVE-2018-18548
[+] Discovered by Numan OZDEMIR in InfinitumIT Labs
[+] root@numanozdemir.com - info@infinitumit.com.tr

[~] Description:

Attacker can inject JavaScript codes without Ajenti privileges by this vulnerabillity.
Normally an attacker cant intervene to Ajenti without Ajenti privileges.
But with this vulnerability, if attacker can create a folder (may be by a web app vulnerability) he can run
bad-purposed JavaScript codes on Ajenti user's browser, while the user using File Manager tool. 
So this vulnerability makes high risk.

[~] How to Reproduce:
1)- Create a directory as named xss payload. Like, im<img src onerror=alert(1337)>dir
2)- Open this directory in File Manager tool in Ajenti server admin panel.

// for secure days...