
# Exploit Title : Typo3 CMS twwc_pages Extension 8.7.x Database Disclosure
# Author [ Discovered By ] : KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm Digital Security Army
# Date : 02/01/2019
# Vendor Homepage : typo3.org
# Software Download Link : gosign.de/typo3-extension/twwc_pages/
# Tested On : Windows and Linux
# Category : WebApps
# Version Information : 8.7.x
# Exploit Risk : Low
# Google Dorks : inurl:''/typo3conf/ext/twwc_pages/''
# Vulnerability Type : CWE-264 - [ Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls ]  
CWE-23 - [ Relative Path Traversal ] - CWE-200 [ Information Exposure ]
# PacketStormSecurity Exploit Reference Link :


# Admin Panel Login Path : 


# Exploit : 



Information About Database => 


This file contains SQL statements to update or create tables for your extension in the TYPO3 database.

This file should contain a table structure dump of the tables used by the extension. 

It is used for evaluation of the database structure and is therefore important to check and update 

the database when an extension is enabled. If you add additional fields (or depend on certain fields)

to existing tables, you can also put them here. In that case, insert a CREATE TABLE structure 

for that table, but remove all lines except the ones defining the fields you need. The ext_tables.sql 

file may not necessarily be dumpable directly to MySQL (because of the semi-complete 

table definitions allowed defining only required fields.). But the EM or 

Install Tool can handle this. The only very important thing is that the syntax of the content 

is exactly like MySQL made it so that the parsing and analysis routines of the EM don't get confused.


# Example Vulnerable Sites =>

[+] aegerisee-schifffahrt.ch/typo3conf/ext/twwc_pages/ext_tables.sql

[+] zbb.ch/typo3conf/ext/twwc_pages/ext_tables.sql


# Discovered By KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm.Org Digital Security Team 
