# Exploit Title: Zoner - Real Estate WordPress Theme v4.1.1 Persistent XSS & IDOR
# Google Dork: inurl:/wp-content/themes/zoner/
# Date: 24/09/2019
# Exploit Author: m0ze
# Vendor Homepage: https://fruitfulcode.com/
# Software Link: https://themeforest.net/item/zoner-real-estate-wordpress-theme/9099226
# Version: 4.1.1
# Tested on: Parrot OS
# CVE : -
# CWE : 79

----[]- Persistent XSS: -[]----
You need a new agent account, log in and press the blue «Plus» button under the main menu («Add Your Property» text will pop-up on hover) - you will be redirected to https://zoner.fruitfulcode.com/?add-property=XXXX page. Use your payload inside «Address» input field («Local information» block), press on the «Create Property» button and check your payload on the https://zoner.fruitfulcode.com/author/agentm0ze/?profile-page=my_properties page. Your new property must be approved by admin, so this is a good point to steal some cookies :)

Payload Sample: "><img src=x onerror=alert('Greetings from m0ze');window.location.replace('http://defcon.su');>

PoC: log in as agentm0ze:WhgZbOUH (login/password) and go to the https://zoner.fruitfulcode.com/author/agentm0ze/?profile-page=my_properties page.

----[]- IDOR: -[]----
You need a new agent account, log in and create a new property. Then go to the https://zoner.fruitfulcode.com/author/aaaagent/?profile-page=my_properties page and pay attention to the trash icon under your property info. Open the developers console and check out this code: <a title="Delete Property" href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="delete-property" data-propertyid="XXX"><i class="delete fa fa-trash-o"></i></a>. Edit the data-propertyid="XXX" attribute by typing instead of XXX desired post or page ID which you want to delete (you can get post/page ID on the <body> tag class -> postid-494, so attribute for post with ID 494 will be data-propertyid="494"). After you edit the ID, click on the trash icon and confirm deletion (POST https://zoner.fruitfulcode.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=delete_property_act&property_id=494&security=1304db23f0). Funny fact that you can delete ANY post & page (!) you want, security key is not unique for each requests so it's possible to erase all pages and posts within a few minutes.