
                 From the low-hanging-fruit-department
      QuickHeal Generic Malformed Archive Bypass (ZIP GPFLAG)

Release mode    : Silent Patch
Ref             : [TZO-20-2020] - Quickheal Malformed Archive bypass 
Vendor          : Quickheal
Status          : Patched
CVE             :
Dislosure Policy: https://caravelahq.com/b/policy/20949
Blog  : http://blog.zoller.lu/2009/04/case-for-av-bypassesevasions.html
Link to more information: 
Vendor Advisory : No Advisory issued, customers not informed.

Affected Products
Quick Heal Total Security - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal Home Security - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal Total Security Multi-Device - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal Internet Security - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal Total Security for Mac - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal AntiVirus for Server - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019
Quick Heal Total Security for Android - VDB lower than 28 November, 2019

Enterprise versions :
- Unknown

I. Background
"Over a span of 26 years the company's R&D has focused on computer and 
network security solutions. The current portfolio of cloud-based 
security and advanced machine learning enabled solutions stop threats, 
attacks and malicious traffic before it strikes. This considerably 
reduces the system resource usage. The security solutions are 
indigenously developed in India. Quick Heal Antivirus Solutions, Quick 
Heal Scan Engine and the entire range of Quick Heal products are 
proprietary items of Quick Heal Technologies Ltd. (Formerly Known as 
Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)"

II. Description
The parsing engine supports the ZIP archive format. The parsing engine 
can be bypassed by specifically manipulating an ZIP Archive (GPFLAG) so 
that it can be accessed by an end-user  but not the Anti-Virus software. 
The AV engine is unable to scan the archive and issues the file a 
"clean" rating.

I may release further details after all known vulnerable vendors have 
patched their products.

III. Impact
Impacts depends on the contextual use of the product and engine within 
the organisation of a customer. Gateway Products (Email, HTTP Proxy etc) 
may allow the file through unscanned and give it a clean bill of health. 
Server side AV software will not be able to discover  any code or sample 
contained within this ISO file and it will not raise suspicion even  if 
you know exactly what you are looking for (Which is for example great to 
hide your implants or Exfiltration/Pivot Server).

There is a lot more to be said about this bug class, so rather than bore 
you with it in this advisory I provide a link to my 2009 blog post

IV. Patch / Advisory
Unfortunately Quickheal has prooven unreliable partner in coordinating 
this vulnerability. Latest information is that this bug was fixed in 
November 2019. Quickheal has not provided and details on which products 
where affected. For enterprise customers I would recommend to reach out 
to quickheal
to ensure this is patched and at the same time ask for proper Security 
Advisories and notification.

V. Disclosure Timeline

01.10.2019 - Submitted the information

22.11.2019 - Quickheal asks me to keep this informations strictly 
confidential until they patched it
              "Once the Release is done you will be notified along with 
the details of the build having the fix."
09.01.2020 - ask for an update - no reply

14.01.2020 - ask for an update - inform Quickheal that unless there is 
an update I will disclose within the next 2 weeks. No reply

18.01.2020 - Send a reminder - no reply.			

14.02.2020 - Send a reminder - no reply.

22.02.2020 - Send a reminder
Quickheal replies "
In an earlier communication around November, we had intimated you that 
the issue has been addressed. The fix for the archive was released on 28 
November, 2019 to Quick Heal users" - No they didn't.

28.02.2020 - You are correct, as we noticed that the communication 
around the confirmation of the fix wasn't sent across.
The fix for the issue was rolled out as part of the updates. All Quick 
Heal endpoint products integrating scan engine and having VDB (Virus 
database) > 28 November, 2019 [15:05:26] will have the fix.

02.03.2020 - Release of this Advisory