# Exploit Title: TRCwifiZone Authentication Bypass # Date: 08.09.2020 # Exploit Author: M. Haluk Kuscuoglu # Vendor: Turcom # Software Link: https://www.turcom.com.tr/urunlerimiz-sorunsuz-internet-trcwifizone.asp # Version: All # Tested on: Windows 10 # CVE: - Description: TRCwifiZone is the hotspot solution of Turcom company. Vulnerability Point: http://trcwifizone/manage/ Trigger Example: http://trcwifizone/manage/control.php Exploitation Method: Call admin panel link http://trcwifizone/manage/control.php while your proxy tool (reccomended Burp Suite) enabled. Then, look 302 redirection response and you will see admin panel page. PoC Screenshots: 1. https://imgur.com/xt9FHkL 2. https://imgur.com/jHY6kpA 3. https://imgur.com/bKsWgy4 4. https://imgur.com/7cHev8j