Hey, what's up security guys, Rom is in the area. Discovered by Rom The Vosso Rômulo Contact: vossoromulo@tuta.io Website: http://www.cienciaemacao.ufv.br/ Vuln Path: detalheElemento.php?idElemento=1' Vulnerability: SQL Injection Proof of Concept 1 . Go to Website.. 2 . In the URL put our Vuln Path.. 3 . And READY, this return SQL error! Example: http://www.cienciaemacao.ufv.br/detalheElemento.php?idElemento=1%27 Error: Impossivel de pegar a Evento. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '\'' at line 3 Now i think you can exploit this vuln using your hands or using exploit tools as sqlmap. G00D H4CK1NG!